Lucie Andrau – Au Revoir and Merci
It’s been a pleasure to see your work, and get to know you every week. You guys have been an endless source of inspiration and motivation for me. Your beautiful…
Travelling with Emma Phillips – Snoqualmie Pass, Washington
Emma is studying English and Philosophy, and is currently doing a year abroad in Vancouver, British Columbia. Emma’s traveling photography keeps getting more and more recognition, Urban Outfitters just proclaimed…
Rhys Baker Takes Us to Canada
Rhys Baker Beloved former Badger and Journalism Student currently doing a year abroad in Vancouver, British Colombia. “This photo series is reflective of my time living and studying abroad in…
Seafront Photography by Sherwin Wong
Sherwin Wong, 3rd year studying Media Practice. Sherwin has been experimenting with photography for the past seven year, and has found himself getting particularly interested in film photography. Finding inspiration…
Poetry by Rachel Stone
Where does your passion for poetry come from ? When and why did you start writing ? “I’d say my passion for writing poetry comes from my grandmother, who was…
Pink Migration
Antonios Kotsonias, 3rd year studying Media Practice. Antonios is an amazing photographer studying here at Sussex. This series of images is part of a documentary called ‘PINK MIGRATION’ created in…
Engaged Poetry by Stavros Anagnou
Stavros Anagnou, 4th year, BSc Biology. L.A : Where does your passion for poetry comes from ? S.A : “I fell in love with poetry for the first time by…
The Street – Portrait of Brighton by Sherwin Wong & Cailtin Samuelson
Coming back to Brighton to revise during Christmas break ? Don’t worry, it doesn’t necessarily have to be depressing ! I have found two Third years that will inspire you…
Freya Marshall Payne – SCULPTURE
Introducing our lovely Editor-In-Chief, Freya ! L.A : When and why did you start doing sculpture? F.M : “I’ve enjoyed art since early childhood, finding drawing and painting the best…
Sanjay Noonan – Poetry
Sanjay Noonan is a 3rd year Medicine student at Sussex. ” I started writing poetry when I was 14, although it has never been something I have shared . It…
Becky Murray – Drawings and Photography Collage
Becky Murray is a 2nd Year Neuroscience student at Sussex. Becky has always been very secretive about her many talents. It took me two years of sharing a house with…
Miles Fagge – Poetry
Miles Fagge is a 3rd year English Literature student, as well as our Theatre Editor here at The Badger ! ” For me poetry does not always have to be…
Sherwin Wong – ‘PingYao Romance’
Sherwin Wong is a 3rd year Media Practice student at Sussex. ” I have been doing photography for 7 years, and I am particularly interested in film photography. Most of…
Stefania Chihaia – Photopoetry
Stefania Chihaia is a 3rd year Media and Communications student. ”I started writing poetry a year ago, and discovered that the words would just come flowing out of me. Ever…
Nathalie Ratcliff and Archie Mustow – A shared passion for Drawing
Nathalie Ratcliffe is a 2nd year Art History student. ” I have always loved painting and drawing as a past time and it really relaxes me so I often turn…
Jasmine is a third year English Literature and History student here at Sussex. L.A : When did you start writing/ taking photos? J.F : ”I have kept diaries off and…