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Gender is a drag performance

Last week I wrote in these pages that feminism is a relevant and important social movement that offers benefits for everyone. As part of this argument, this week I offer…

Adios Ramos as ‘Arry Comes To Spurs’ Rescue

No more Spurs jokes. Enough. Alright just one. “There have been reports of severe disruption to parts of the London underground due to a points failure in the Tottenham area”.…

Welfare Benefits and Tax Credits

Can students claim welfare benefits?

An expensive lesson in globalisation

Iceland: Yes, it’s that cold place where Björk’s from – but more recently, the country has become famous for the sudden collapse of its banks and being, as our most…

Cheryl Cole: role model

Successful musician, devoted wife and possibly one of the sweetest no-nonsense people on the telly at the moment, Cheryl Cole has come a long way from past charges of aggravated…

Hear the Lyons roar! (and then laugh)

‘I have a villain’s face’ declares Zoe Lyons, searching for the coffee hidden under the foam of her cappuccino. ‘I know in twenty years from now I’ll make a very…

Stephen grants us a laugh

Stephen Grant Corn Exchange, 25/10/08 Stephen Grant is a man who definitely follows the mantra “first the worst, second the best” – in fact, his Brighton festival show for this…

Embarrassing dad posing as stand-up comedian?

Mark Steel Corn Exchange, 24/10/08 Mark Steel is well-received by a left-leaning and surprisingly diverse audience in terms of age at a reasonably full Corn Exchange. The ‘I first heard…

Funny women?

Funny Women Corn Exchange, 24/10/08The Pavilion Theatre saw the introduction of ‘Funny Women’ to the Brighton Comedy Festival on the 23rd October. A team of three female comedians and a…

Anti-war students accused of stealing army recruits list

Army recruiters on campus were sabotaged when a list of potential recruits’ names was stolen. The recruiters noticed the list had gone missing shortly after anti-war students had been handing…

“Dumbing Down”: higher grades for higher rankings?

In a poll by the Times Higher Education magazine, 77% of 500 academics asked say they feel coerced into giving out higher grades to students in order to improve the…

Education system failing minorities, says new HE Minister

In the week in which Barack Obama may become the first black president of the United States, the new British Higher Education minister has warned that there is still a…

Landlords – fit and proper people?

Landlords may have to be deemed “fit and proper” before being allowed to let properties in the private sector, according to a new government-commissioned report. The report by the Law…

Scientific subject intake improving

National intake for science, maths and modern language degrees is on the increase after several years of worrying decline. According to a report from the Higher Education Funding Council for…

Union says ‘start negotiating’ over pensions

Resistance from University likely to continue The students’ union has called on university management to start negotiating with support staff over pensions. Laura Tazzioli, USSU President, said the union would…

Student delegation makes links with Palestinian university

Sussex students currently taking part in a delegation to Palestine have met with students at Al Quds Open University in the West Bank region, which is twinned with the University…

Student Unions express dismay over NUS Extraordinary Conference

The leadership of the NUS, backed by the majority of the NEC (National Executive Committee) is aiming to put forward a motion which could potentially break down the NUS’ democratic…

Downs under threat

Concerns have arisen over the impact that new development schemes will have on the South Downs. The SDC (South Downs Campaign), a network of over 150 organisations, is voicing fears…

Black Panthers come to Sussex

Emory Douglas, former Minister of Culture of the Black Panthers, is coming to Sussex to give a lecture on the importance of art in revolution and representation. The event will…

Nottingham Trent University strike

Staff at Nottingham Trent University went on strike on 21st October following a dispute between the university and the University and College Union (the largest of its kind for post-16…