University of Sussex Students' Newspaper

Cheryl Cole: role model

The Badger

ByThe Badger

Nov 3, 2008
Girl’s Aloud star: ‘ambitious, down to earth, hard working, independent and successful’. Photo:
Girl’s Aloud star: ‘ambitious, down to earth, hard working, independent and successful’. Photo:

Successful musician, devoted wife and possibly one of the sweetest no-nonsense people on the telly at the moment, Cheryl Cole has come a long way from past charges of aggravated assault, racial abuse and general tackiness. In these days where neo-feminism has created something of a backlash resulting in many disillusioned women feeling that it simply is not possible to ‘have it all’, Cheryl Cole proves that it is.

However, it hasn’t always been this easy. She has had a tough time over the past year. The very public infidelity of her husband, the footballer, Ashley Cole, led to tabloid intrusion on her life, plus constant speculation and comment by nearly everyone about the state of her relationship and decision to stay with him.

Happily, in recent weeks we have been fortunate to see her every Saturday night gracing our tellies as one of the judges on ITV’s the X Factor.

Not only is she perfectly qualified for this job (considering that she herself shot to fame due to the success of her band Girls Aloud which was created on the reality TV programme Popstars, The Rivals,) but she provides a fresh approach – her comments are fair, sensitive and rational and she is not afraid to stand up to Simon Cowell’s excessive, unconstructive nastiness.

As well as this Girls Aloud are planning on releasing their fifth studio album ‘Out Of Control’ imminently . Their success has been unprecedented for a band created on reality TV, and with their hard work and commitment they have clearly proved the critics who felt that their conception had been gimmicky and over manufactured to be wrong. They currently hold a record breaking 18 consecutive top ten hits due to their talent and enthusiasm, and this total seems likely to rise to 19 when new single The Promise is released on October 20th.

Cheryl balances these heavy work commitments with her private life which has been mercilessly scrutinised and cruelly infiltrated by the press, obsessed with her marriage and general goings on. However, she still manages to provide a responsible and respectable role model in this age of excess and immorality. When talking about her decision to give Ashley and her marriage another chance she stated, “when I said my wedding vows I meant them. I said them for life, for better or for worse.” When 42.6% of marriages end in divorce the fact that she “realised there’s no point saying your vows then walking out on a whim,” can only provide an inspiration for us all.

In an interview with the NewStatesman Cole said, “Footballers wives are just as bad as benefit scroungers. These women have nannies, they don’t cook or clean, and never do a days work. What kind of aspiration is that?” She is clearly a woman who is not only ambitious, down to earth, hard working, independent and successful, but at only 25 is sure to have a bright future and continue to be positively influential.

3 thoughts on “Cheryl Cole: role model”
  1. i don’t think she a good role model at all. firstly she kept by that cheating husband of hers probably to get more publicity and then she can’t even sing a note in tune so i have no idea why she’s got a great career when someone who can sing should be able to have that chance. and she is way too thin, like a twig. Many girls want to look like her which making them do stupid stuff like making themselves throw up and not be proud of their own body.

  2. cheryl is a good role model and inspires me. she is my inspiration because she has battled through malaria, battled her divorce with ashley cole in the public eye. she also inspires me because she is beautiful and is very successful.

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