Political Highlights

The American Election: Last Tuesday saw the re-election of the incumbent President of the United States, Barack Obama. Despite gaining…


Books: Bird Sense

Mikey Seljubac Any well read individual will tell you: while it’s scarcely possible to pick a favourite, there are always…


Making the most of Sussex

Izzy King It’s not just the wonderful city of Brighton on our doorstep; there’s loads more of Sussex to explore…


U.S. election at East Slope Bar

Election night on 6 November saw scores of Sussex students on campus and across Brighton pulling all-nighters to witness an…


A Life Without Fear?

Last week Brighton found itself rampaged by ghosts, zombies and ghouls in the middle of its chilling annual Halloween festival.…


Creatures of the Night

Recently, at a crowded house party on a Friday night, I found myself in that situation when you are relatively…