Creatures of the Night – Mass Hilarity!
First I think it is important to state that my uncle can outdrink anyone. When he came for Christmas, my dad, brother and aunt thought that it would be a…
The Moan Zone – Scrooge You!
There’s one thing I really hate about Christmas and like most Christmas-related things it happens every year, without fail. Just as the selection boxes, the advent calendars and the yule…
Academic Armchair – Dr Katerina Deligiorgi, Philosophy
This week we’re supping mulled wine, curling up by the fire, weeping at a John Lewis advert, and preparing for an obese Coca-Cola saint to invade our obscenely decorated home.…
Creatures of the Night – It's a chunderful time of the year
I should mention before I start that I’ve never thrown up on a night out or with a hangover. Don’t get me wrong – I’ve drunk far too much and…
Fairytale of Old Steine
This week I am going to talk about the lack of Christmas spirit among our fellow Brightonians! When I went to town last week I was overrun by excitement and…
Academic Armchair – Dr Ben Fincham, Sociology
Dr Benjamin Fincham, or just Ben to those of us who regularly make the painfully steep ascent to Friston, has an ace office. I am trying to focus on the…
The master of suspense: why is Alfred Hitchcock still the most fascinating director of the twentieth century?
Sarah Betts Alfred Hitchcock. ‘Hitch’ to those he honoured with his regard. An icon of the world of cinema and a man of many names; ‘Master of Suspense’ and ‘genius’…
An alternative Christmas: Santa overseas
Sarah Bunce One holiday season many years ago, I woke up on Christmas Day to blazing sun, high humidity, and extreme temperatures. This may be normal if you’re an extremely…
Recipes: Gingerbread Tree Decorations
Samantha Fennessy These Gingerbread tree decorations are delicious and easy to make. It’s a chance to embrace the festive spirit and make your Christmas tree look spectacular! Or simply gobble…
Robert Clowes discusses memory and the future
Sam Duthie Making my way to the latest lecture in the Cognitive Science (COGS) series, an unplanned change in scenery this week meant that we viewed the lecture in The…
Drug addiction and law: a brain perspective given by Dr. Hans Crombag
Christa Orchard On Wednesday 14th November, as a part of a series of events organised by Sussex Students for Sensible Drug Policy, Dr. Hans Crombag, assistant professor in the psychology…
A sceptical take on Michael Shermer
Sam Duthie Trawling through the open lectures at Sussex this month, I practically swooned like a schoolgirl when I heard Michael Shermer would be giving a talk at the Brighton…
A premature neonate has a 50% chance of survival. What will you do?
Hannah Faith Leigh Option A: to continue treatment in the form of intensive care; the child may survive but with severe deformities. Option B: Switch to palliative care and withdraw/withhold…
SexSoc discuss the problem of female genital mutilation
Morten Watkins & Katie Dichard On Wednesday 31st October, the medical school’s sexual health medicine society (SexSoc) held their first event. They screened the documentary Africa Rising; a powerful film…
US election: It's the grassroots, stupid
Gabriel Raeburn Think back to the week before the American election. According to Gallup, Republican Mitt Romney held a five percentage point lead over President Obama. Romney also had twice…
Liberal students and 'Tory scum'
Tom Foster Sussex students are often as liberal as Brighton is, and I don’t think anyone can doubt these liberal dispositions incline us to bear left in the political spectrum.…
‘What happens on Tour stays on Tour’
Chloë Langer Tennis Social Secretary The alarm rings at 8am, I have half an hour to get my baby outfit on and start pre-drinking with the other ‘tour-virgins’, before heading…
Gym class review – spinning
Victoria Ayininuola Waking up at 7:30am for a fitness class would fill most people with dread, but not me. As a morning person a spinning class first thing is perfect…
Domestic Violence
Just because we do not witness the extremities of domestic violence in the private space does not mean it is not there. What happens behind closed doors should be a…
Fifty Shades of Grey nominated for National Book Award
Abby Faires Fruitful work of fan fiction or dumbed-down BDSM? E.L. James’ erotic novel Fifty Shades of Grey will be one of six contenders for this year’s Popular Fiction Book…