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Students’ Union election week pushed back

Voting to elect new Full-Time and Part-Time Officers to the Students’ Union has been delayed by one week. Elections were due to take place between 12th-16th March, but will now…

USSU Referenda: Landslide wins for transport and Co-op lobbying

The 2017 Students’ Union (SU) Autumn Term referenda results are out, and with a total of 3,042 votes cast accross two polls, Sussex students have voted for Sussex SU to…

Should controversial personalities be muted by petitions? A lesson for Trump and Roosh V

Over the past few years online petitions have gained great popularity within the UK. The scheme of collecting signatures in order to achieve change and justice has proven successful on…

The Big Debate: Should the House of Lords be abolished?

Yes The House of Lords is the UK’s unelected second chamber. Before any legislation can become law in the UK it must be approved by the Lords, even if it…

The Big Debate: Is the British monarchy a viable institution in the 21st century?

Yes As Queen Elizabeth II’s reign surpasses that of her great-grandmother Queen Victoria, it seems that anti-monarchist feeling has reached fever pitch. Yet here I will highlight the array of…

President of Sussex UKIP society decries Anarchist ‘totalitarianism’

As the president of a UKIP society at what is, in general, a very left-wing university, I’m well aware of the fact that our views are not popular with a…

The Labour leadership election: A new hope for democracy?

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away… It is a period of civil war. Rebel spaceships, striking from a not so hidden base (Islington North) have won…

The Big Debate: should prisoners get the vote?

As David Cameron enters a face-off with the European Court of Human Rights, this week’s Badger asks, should prisoners receive the right to vote? YES — Cello David To not…

Democracy is at the heart of everything we do

Kelly McBride Elections have taken place here since the year the University was founded. Back in 1961, when 52 students came to Sussex, the first ever President of the Students’…

Track the Campaign – Democracy 2012

For this year’s Track the Campaign, the Badger has joined forces with The Independent newspaper’s valiant Democracy 2015 movement. Carrying the slogan: “People Politics, Not Party Politics”, Democracy 2015’s aims…

Interview with future union president David Cichon

In your campaign, you pledged to increase democracy, transparency and representation and to create a more inclusive union. What have you done for union democracy so far, as Chair of…

State of the Union

In the past couple of weeks I am sure you have read about several allegations made against the Union: It is not representative; it disregards students’ opinions; it is too…

NUS approves new constitution

Student Unions overwhelmingly voted in favour for the new National Union of Student’s (NUS) constitutional changes at an Extraordinary Conference held last week in Wolverhampton, sparking off the disaffiliation debate…

The AGM, the NUS & the way forward

Sussex’s Annual General Meeting is always good fun, despite the boring initial procedures, the confusion, and the long hours of sitting on a wooden floor (perhaps an idea to get…

Think global, act local

Your correspondent says the Education Not for Sale campaign “caters to the desires of a relatively small number of people in the developed world,” and suggests we should focus on…

E.N.S – Education Not for Sale, An Overview

One of the most vital campaigns you can associate yourself with at Sussex is that of Education Not for Sale. Last year saw Campus protests, the largest student rally in…