University of Sussex Students' Newspaper

Students’ Union election week pushed back

William Singh

ByWilliam Singh

Feb 12, 2018

Voting to elect new Full-Time and Part-Time Officers to the Students’ Union has been delayed by one week. Elections were due to take place between 12th-16th March, but will now open Monday 19th with results announced on Friday evening.

The news comes after the University College Union (UCU) announced a full week of teaching strikes in the week initially earmarked for elections – meaning most lectures, seminars and office hours are expected to be cancelled.

A spokesperson for the Students’ Union told The Badger: “[w]e’re always keen to ensure that as many people as possible can take part in our elections. As UCU have announced strike action for the dates we’d scheduled for voting in our Full-time Officer, Part-time Officer and Student Trustee elections our elections team decided to postpone the elections by a week. We think this will maximise opportunities for candidates to share their ideas for making the Union and University better and for students to talk to candidates”.

Nominations close Monday 5th March
Candidates announced 12pm Wednesday 14th March
Voting 9am Monday 19th March – 5pm Friday 23rd March
Results announced Friday 23rd March

Nominations will also remain open for an extra week, giving students thinking of runnning more time to create their manifestos and campaign material.

Spring elections elect the six Full-Time Officers – Activities, Welfare, Undergraduate Education, Postgraduate Education, Society & Citizenship, and President – who take a paid year out of their studies to lead the Students’ Union.

Any student can nominate themselves for any of these roles on, as well as the Part-Time Officer positions:
Ethnic Minority Students Officer

Students with Disabilities Officer

LGBTQ Students Officer

Women Students Officer

Trans and Non-Binary Students Officer

William Singh

By William Singh

Badger Editor-in-chief, ex-Comment and Features Editor, grappling with an inbox longer than his CV. Usually found clutching a coffee and a moleskine pretending to be doing something important.

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