Brighton is much more on the cosmopolitan radar than the small town I’m from so I naturally assumed that when I got to Sussex I would bump into celebrities everywhere I went. I have been here a year and so far, I have seen a pretty acceptable number of notable persona. However, Ed Sheeran is not someone I have met yet.
Like seemingly every second person of our age group, I am an Ed Sheeran fan. Even so, it would seem I am apparently not enough of a fan to realise the difference between him and a less than famous (but nonetheless red-headed) young man. Kudos and apologies to the guy who decided to take my adamant declarations that he ‘WAS Ed Sheeran’ with resigned sighs and laughs instead of doing what he probably should have done: vacate the premises as quickly as possible. Not content with meeting one of my favourite people, I then preceded to announce to the (rather large) group of squealing girls I was with that I had met Ed Sheeran. Cue maybe a 100 photos being taken of us and ‘Ed’.
Eventually, the novelty of being mistaken for a celebrity wore off but the guy’s denial that he was Ed Sheeran only made me more certain of his famous identity. He must be hiding from the paparazzi! It took his friends and a University of Sussex Photo ID for me to realise the mistake I had made. I am pretty sure that they could hear my disappointment in Eastbourne.
Amy Bracewell