NUS Hustings Held at Sussex Ahead of Elections
On 18 March, hustings were held on campus for the National Union of Students’ Presidential Election, as a part of the wider election campaign. Around 400 Students’ Unions across the…
SU Oktoberfest Cancelled
Sussex Students’ Union has cancelled their Oktoberfest event, citing low ticket sales. They issued the following statement about the event: “It’s with regret that we have to announce the cancellation…
Welcome 2018 Freshers!
Ah, Freshers. You’ve no idea the amazing year you have ahead of you! As you read this now, you’ve probably met your flatmates and maybe even met your future best…
Tuition fee rise fiasco: confusion continues
Sussex is set to raise tuition fees for all continuing home and EU undergraduate students as well as new students in 2017/18. However, to students without a thorough understanding of…
Twenty four hour change made available at York House
Change has been made available at the 24 hour reception at York House after two students campaigned for more cash facilities on campus. The new service at York House was…
Why sexual consent classes should be mandatory
Consent is an issue that affects us all. We need to stop victim blaming and scapegoating and confront the issue openly. Up to 50% of reported crimes affecting students per…
Student Union Condemns Prevent
The University of Sussex’s Student Union (USSU) recently issued a statement condemning the Government’s ‘Prevent’ duty. The Prevent duty within Higher Education is part of Britain’s counter-terrorism policy, and aims…
Conflicting claims over Free Ed demo kettling
More than 10,000 students took to the streets in London on Wednesday 4th November to call for free education and protest against cuts to student grants under the slogan “grants,…
Officers split over scrapping President
President of the Students’ Union Abraham Baldry and Welfare Officer Rianna Gargiulo have clashed over the future of the presidency. Gargiulo, supported by some members of the executive team, has…
No Students’ Union funding for climate activists – apparently climate change is not a student issue
The Students’ Union have denied a funding request made by Sussex student activists planning to cycle to Paris for December’s momentous UN climate change conference. The Union explained that, as…
Union Council to put Constitution to the test
If you’ve been following the debate which followed last term’s referendum to ban Israeli produce from USSU stores, then very little of what follows will be news to you. If…
A politically pitiful AGM
The Union has become increasingly unrepresentative in recent years. Last year there were allegations and rumours speculating that quoracy had in fact been faked. This year the union lacked quorum…
The apathy of US
The Students’ Union needs to combat apathy it if wants to remain relevant. The Student Union’s vision of 2006, focuses on several long term objectives; for example, by 2016 the…