University of Sussex Students' Newspaper

Stop the Cuts

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Labour proposals may cause some students to ‘overpay’ fees

The issue of tuition fee increases remains active, as the Labour Party proposes cutting the coalition tuition fee cap of £9,000 by a third. At the same, the National Union…

Academics at Sussex defend higher education

Hundreds of academics have signed a new white paper, ‘In Defence of Public Higher Education’, published 27 September this year, as an alternative to the Government’s planned higher education spending…

A student mother pleads: don't close our nursery

The potential closure of the University of Sussex childcare facilities is putting student-parents under considerable stress and is raising key questions about the institution’s vision of diversity. If the university…

Protests against education cuts continue in Brighton

Following the recent student protests against increased tuition fees and education cuts, a third protest took place on last Tuesday, 30 November, across the country. In Brighton it was estimated…

Students occupy lecture hall in protest of increasing tuition fees

An estimated 200 students and staff gathered in Library Square last week for a rally followed by a march that ended with an impromptu occupation of Fulton lecture theatre B…

NATIONAL DEMO: Comment from Union’s Media Development Officer

Last week the Students’ Union Education Officer (Lita Wallis) put a very compelling argument forward in the Union Pages about what the Browne Report would mean for us, as students…

Student Life Centre – first impressions

The Badger explores student reactions to campus’ new advice and support centre

Staff and students unite against fee rise in peaceful protest

One hundred and eighty students and members of staff gathered on Library Square last Wednesday, expressing anger at Lord Browne’s proposals to significantly raise the cost of higher education, and…

Stop the Cuts campaign plans further action

The Stop the Cuts movement has continued to operate throughout the summer vacation period, holding meetings in a Brighton pub, The Earth and Stars. On 15 and 23 September, the…

Staff and students strike accord

It shouldn’t surprise me that students can be selfish people, and yet, on Wednesday, I was amazed at how many students strolled right past the picket lines. Some of them…

'Stop The Cuts' must stay on track

At the time of writing, an occupation of the Arts A2 lecture hall is underway. As of late, occupations have not been a rarity on campus thanks to the Stop…

The occupation served only to divide

I feel as strongly as anybody about supporting those members of staff who are facing redundancy in the light of management’s cuts. I also fully support any student demonstration which…

The movement must box-clever

Following the occupation at Sussex House, in which a few senior members of staff effectively held their own occupation within that building by refusing to leave without police escort, a…

University approves scrapping over 100 jobs and cutting £5m next year

Hundreds of students and staff at Sussex are furious at the final decision by university management, made at the council meeting on Friday 26 March, to cut £5 million in…

University of Sussex Deputy VC Paul Layzell announces resignation

On Friday 19 March it was announced that Deputy Vice-Chancellor Paul Layzell is to leave his position at the University of Sussex after accepting his new role of principal at…

Management back-tracks over student suspensions

Last Wednesday 10 March, six students formerly suspended from the University of Sussex had their penalisations modified so as to permit them to continue with their academic studies. Around 600…

University calls police on students who protest outside Sussex House against university cuts

Last Wednesday 3 March at 12.30pm students occupied Sussex House for five hours in protest against proposed course cuts and job losses. Police in a convoy of vans were called…

No stupid surveys, thanks very much

If you are a third year student and oppose the local and national cuts being made to the higher education sector, there’s something simple and really effective you can do…

Stop the cuts, start the music!

Last Thursday, 25 February, protestors braved the wind and rain to make a stand on student cuts in Library Square. At 1.15pm, representing the 115 threatened jobs at the University…

What next for Stop the Cuts? An open letter to the Stop the Cuts Campaign, from the Stop the Cuts Campaign

Fellow students, staff, and interested parties, We know the cuts are bad, we know they are only the beginning (a few more million next year, and after the election –…