University of Sussex Students' Newspaper

Month: March 2010

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University approves scrapping over 100 jobs and cutting £5m next year

Hundreds of students and staff at Sussex are furious at the final decision by university management, made at the council meeting on Friday 26 March, to cut £5 million in…

University of Sussex Deputy VC Paul Layzell announces resignation

On Friday 19 March it was announced that Deputy Vice-Chancellor Paul Layzell is to leave his position at the University of Sussex after accepting his new role of principal at…

Mandelson: Leeds’ white knight

Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills, Lord Mandelson, has been asked to intervene at Leeds University after recently announcing the most savage set of funding cuts to higher…

Student reps meet management

On Monday 15 February, student representatives met with university management to discuss the “restructuring proposals” that management has planned for the university’s future, made last November. The USSU stated on…

A veneer of marketibility tainting research: As funding bodies feel the squeeze academic integrity is jeopardized

Like most people I am filled with anxieties about what the future will bring. I always imagined, though, that the one fixture in my life would always be academia. If…

Cowley Club: the hub of community action

On London Road, situated snugly between Oxfam and a closed-down party shop, lies a rather unique place – a place that can at various points in the day masquerade as…

Flexing the gay body politic

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, far away from the rows of heart-covered cards in supermarkets, and depressing conversations between student singletons on nightbusses, you will undoubtedly be aware…

University files high court injunction against students

The University of Sussex has been granted a High Court injunction banning students from entering or remaining inside administration buildings on campus without written consent of management. The application was…

Sussex staff set terms for first round of industrial strike action

The University and College Union (UCU) at the University of Sussex announced last week following an Emergency General Meeting that they will go on strike this Thursday 18 March, and…

Management back-tracks over student suspensions

Last Wednesday 10 March, six students formerly suspended from the University of Sussex had their penalisations modified so as to permit them to continue with their academic studies. Around 600…

Stop the Cuts in pictures

Gay-friendly Christian group will rate churches in Sussex

A newly established gay Christian group, Changing Attitude Sussex, is aiming to make churches in the local community more gay-friendly. Changing Attitude claims they are: “Drawn by God’s love to…

Sussex UCU votes for strike action

Last Wednesday 3 March, the University and College Union (UCU) at Sussex voted overwhelmingly in favour of strike action in their fight to save jobs and services at the university.…

University calls police on students who protest outside Sussex House against university cuts

Last Wednesday 3 March at 12.30pm students occupied Sussex House for five hours in protest against proposed course cuts and job losses. Police in a convoy of vans were called…

Objectification: no ifs, no butts

The power of the media to shape people’s perceptions of sexuality and gender dynamics are becoming ever more influential. Can we legitimately claim that all forms of sexual representation have…

No stupid surveys, thanks very much

If you are a third year student and oppose the local and national cuts being made to the higher education sector, there’s something simple and really effective you can do…

Brighton is named UK's 'ghost capital'

Brighton and Hove has been named the UK’s ‘ghost capital’, according to a recent report published by the Argus. Ghostly spirits are said to be roaming the narrow, cobbled streets…

Mouse trap universe

The atmosphere is electric. All eyes are on eight-year-old Louise, to whom I have bestowed the momentarily ultimate honour of being master of ceremonies. A countdown worthy of mission-control cuts…

Stop the cuts, start the music!

Last Thursday, 25 February, protestors braved the wind and rain to make a stand on student cuts in Library Square. At 1.15pm, representing the 115 threatened jobs at the University…

Life after office: power, politics and profit

Later this year, most likely in May, Gordon Brown faces the prospect of handing in his P45 and beginning the search for a new job. He, along with the reams…