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Liz Truss: A Retrospective

Liz Truss resigned as Prime Minister on October 20, bringing an end to a brief but tumultuous era. Truss’ reign, which oversaw two monarchies, record low approval ratings and the…


Go-ahead on the implementation of the UK Government’s Rwanda policy on hold following human rights intervention

The Scale of the Job

After meeting the late Queen at Balmoral in her final days, one of Liz Truss’ first acts as the new Prime Minister was to announce economic intervention to tackle soaring…

Tory MP denounced after Brexit demand to universities

Vice-Chancellor Adam Tickell has refused Tory MP Chris Heaton-Harris’ request for a list of names of the academic staff who teach European politics and Brexit at The University of Sussex.…

Student loan changes mean you could be paying more

The Government have announced plans to alter the repayment and interest rate for student loans. These were set out as part of the Autumn Statement and the Spending Review for…

Sussex protests international student policy changes

Sussex joined the NUS-organised lecture walk-out on 17 November to show solidarity with international students, migrants and refugees. The day began with a demonstration in Library Square, where members of…

University marketisation could lead to ‘higher tuition fees..more bureaucracy…less autonomy”

The government’s green paper, “Fulfilling our Potential: Teaching Excellence, Social Mobility and Student Choice”, sets out a series of reforms which some fear may signal a dramatic shift towards marketisation…

Tampon tax MPs criticised by SU Welfare Officer

The Students’ Union’s Welfare Officer Rianna Gargiulo has criticised the 305 MPs who voted against a motion to force the government to cut tax on sanitary products. Since the Finance…

The Big Debate: Is the British monarchy a viable institution in the 21st century?

Yes As Queen Elizabeth II’s reign surpasses that of her great-grandmother Queen Victoria, it seems that anti-monarchist feeling has reached fever pitch. Yet here I will highlight the array of…

Why students should strike for free education

#StudentStrike: WTF is going on? On the 10th of September the National Executive Council (NEC) of the National Union of Students (NUS), which represents around seven million students nationally, including…

What does it mean to be an Arts student?

Marie Hawkins This is a question which many have on their mind and one that is sometimes difficult to answer. The topic of Arts is very extensive and covers a…

Government 1: Students O

Two students, Callum Hurley and Katy Moore, recently lost the legal battle they embarked upon against the UK government. The 17-year-old students called for Business Secretary Vince Cable to reconsider…

It’s time to admit defeat in the war on drugs

Zero-tolerance policies are a knee-jerk reaction to the drug epidemic, and Sussex University’s implementation of this policy will follow in a long line of failed attempts. Prohibition against drugs has…

Overseas students to be cut by more than half

Government advisers revealed that overseas students from outside Europe could be cut by more than half if the coalition is to reach its target for reducing net migration. Home Secretary…

New law attempts to clear out students

Students in Sussex could be seriously affected by a new law that would see undergraduates in groups of 3 or more unable to rent shared accommodation. The contentious government legislation…

Corporate strategies tighten grip on USSU

As we enter the academic year 09-10, we are perhaps looking at one of the bleakest years within the Higher Education sector, characterised first and foremost by a government that…

Credit Crunch crisis talks

The faecal matter appears to have hit the ventilation equipment, and governments the world over are falling over themselves in attempts to clear up the mess. The media have been…

An expensive lesson in globalisation

Iceland: Yes, it’s that cold place where Björk’s from – but more recently, the country has become famous for the sudden collapse of its banks and being, as our most…