The temperature is rapidly dropping as Autumn descends upon us, but for movie lovers, cinephiles and film-buffs alike the perfect solution to staying warm is CINECITY Brighton Film Festival. The programme is primarily hosted by Brighton’s most popular arthouse cinemas Duke’s at Komedia, Duke of York’s, and Lewes Depot, with a few unexpected locations hidden in the line-up. Attenborough Centre for the Creative Arts (ACCA), Fabrica, The Old Market, Lighthouse, and Brighton Uni will all be presenting various films – if you need any further excuse to visit these quintessential Brightonian art venues, I highly recommend grabbing tickets to one of these events.
CINECITY’s 2019 programme is running from the 8th to the 17th of November and kicked off this past Friday with Robert Egger’s exhilarating second feature, The Lighthouse. Bold, ferocious and deeply unsettling, Eggers manages to ground a highly stylised aesthetic with extraordinarily strong performances from Robert Pattinson and Willem Dafoe. Bizarre and uncompromising, this film was probably the perfect opening to the season, setting high standards for the rest of the festival.
However, looking at the line-up, CINECITY 2019 looks to maintain its own pace. The Badger will be highlighting some of our favourite screenings during the festival which will feature some of the most highly anticipated and upcoming talent in cinema. The 17th instalment of Brighton’s favourite film festival promises to be it’s best yet.
Coming up this week, our writers will be covering Waves, Cubby, and Judy & Punch, so keep an eye on our socials for updates on the festival! Tickets for these screenings and the rest of CINECITY’s programme can be purchased at:
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