University of Sussex Students' Newspaper

Month: November 2018

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Artist Focus: Raveena Hayer

Originally from a post office village near Nottingham, Raveena Hayer is a British-Indian illustration student at the University of Brighton. Three years ago, Raveena was working in a call-centre as…

Poets and Musicians Against the Arms Trade Preview

On the 10th of November in Falmer Bar’s own Room 76 a series of musicians and poets are coming together to protest against the arms trade. The event has been…

Careers Fair to Return

Written by Mariafernanda Chavez The Annual Careers Fair returns to Brighton on November 7. Presented by the University of Brighton and the University of Sussex, the event aims to attract…

Sussex Help The Homeless Society Plan Ventures for This Academic Year

Since forming at the start of last academic year, Sussex Help the Homeless Society (SHTH) have been working towards improving the living situation for homeless people across Brighton. President Shannon…

As I Walked Out One Midsummer Morning: 50th Anniversary

As one of the best things to come out of the 20th Century nears its 50th anniversary, it is a chance to look back at Laurie Lee’s incredible work of…

Joan Armatrading at Brighton Dome

By Ver Hyk Some say that it all began when Joan Armatrading’s father forbade her from ever borrowing his guitar again. This caused the young Joan to turn to the…

SE7EN, Reasons Why 35mm Film and The Cinema Are Still Important

In a day and age where we have a wide array of films at our fingertips through a variety of online streaming services, it is becoming rarer for most people…

Brighton’s Ice Rink returns

Preparations are underway for the annual Royal Pavilion ice rink in Brighton. The temporary ice rink is open to the public during the festive season and is already being constructed…

Luqman is still fighting to stay in the UK

Luqman Onikosi, who came to the UK from Nigeria in 2007, continues to campaign for his right to remain in the county. Onikosi graduated with a degree in Economics and…

Lewes Bonfire Night Approaches: What the Fawkes?

This year’s Lewes Bonfire celebrations will take place on Monday November 5, as an independent collaboration event run by Lewes’ seven Bonfire societies. The event is seen as a celebration…