University of Sussex Students' Newspaper

Month: November 2011

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The Big Debate – The Co-op and consumer choice

“The Co-op gives students what they want” by Philip Chartell-Hoyer The new Co-operative supermarket on campus sells everything from milk to dog food, as well as several items banned by…

Steve Jobs: don’t believe the hype

Steve Jobs died on the 5 October 2011. Soon after this date I felt personally compelled to respond to the sycophantic media coverage (even indulged in by a comment piece…

Sussex student sentenced to 15 months

A second year Politics student at the University of Sussex has been sentenced to 15 months in prison following a charge of violent disorder, after he was arrested at the…

A.C. Grayling’s new venture undermines education

Anyone walking past Chichester 1 in the evening of last Wednesday, 2 November would have been staggered at the interruption of the customary quietude on campus. That evening, an illustrious…

Young Apprentice

The claws are fully-grown, permission for leave from school has been granted, mummy and daddies wardrobes have been raided, this can only mean one thing – ‘Young Apprentice’ is back.…

The Sartorialist

Style is a very difficult concept to decipher. Whether someone is ‘stylish’ or not is somewhat relative to the way one perceives themselves and others. For example, the Ugg boot…

They are the resurrection

The week beginning October 17th 2011 saw two new chapters appear in the bible of Mancunian music. The first – centred around the release of Noel Gallagher’s first post-Oasis album…

We need to talk about kevin

The chances are you’ve already heard the premise of ‘We Need to Talk about Kevin’ – it’s the film adaptation of the award winning novel and has just won the…

Interview with Steve-O

Steve-O, the star of MTV show ‘Jackass’, talks to the Badger ahead of his stand-up performance at Brighton Coalition on 7 November. How was Clown College? For me it was…

The Big Debate – Remembrance Day – a civic duty?

“Why I will not pin a poppy to my chest” by Isabelle Acton I remember when I was at primary school and the prefects would amble through the classrooms clutching…

How should the police handle protests?

There is an unequivocal agreement that the primary role of the police is to uphold and implement law and order. However, implementation of order has always been a contentious issue…

Questioning the voyeuristic media

We live in a country that vehemently prescribes, promotes and defends the right to a fair trial, as explicitly proclaimed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Article 14 in…

LGBTQ write to their schools

Sussex students have set up an initiative to help the schools they attended before university become more LGBT-friendly. The Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans and Queer Group (LGBTQ) launched the program…

Sussex still committed to bursaries over fee waivers

Despite government pressure on universities to create fee waivers at the expense of bursary schemes, the University of Sussex will not be altering their First Generation Scholars scheme. The Coalition…


“Brighton-Every time I come back I wish that I could live here.” Obaro ‘Ghostpoet’ Ejimiwe made his feelings about the South East clear on Twitter a few hours before his…

Discover Brighton: 'Feast'

We all know that one of the best things about Christmas is consuming colossal amounts of food and drink. Before returning home for the holidays, why not rally up your…

Frozen Planet Review

Unfortunately, skyscrapers, traffic lights and monotonously uniformed trees aligned by the sides of pavements are becoming the daily landscape for a majority of the Western population. However, for 50 years,…

The Future Review

Perhaps the quirkiest film you will see this year, Miranda July’s ‘The Future’ is an exploration into the human desire to seek security in a routine and the dangers of…

To Kindle, or not to Kindle?

I have a Kindle. It is very practical – I carry thirty-three books on me at all times, and if I want a book, within five minutes I have it…

The Rum Diary released

The Rum Diary, so the story goes, was found in manuscript form in the attic of Hunter S. Thompson by Johnny Depp, some 30-odd years after first being written by…