University of Sussex Students' Newspaper

Month: November 2011

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University Apparel: Brighton Trends

The cold months are upon us and we wanted to find out what Brighton’s locals are wearing this season. Everybody’s seen the trends in fashion magazines but how does our…

Jack Whitehall

As Jack Whitehall strolled onto the stage to ‘Back in Black’, wearing skinny jeans and attempting to down a pint, shouting ‘It’s Saturday night, let’s all get wasted in Oceana!’…

Sussex scores high in National Student Survey

The National Student Survey (NSS) has recently published their results on Unistats, a comparative website for universities and colleges in the UK. The NSS is an annual independent survey which…

Do we still care about climate change?

As someone who was a Greenpeace activist at the age of 14, you would expect the answer to be YES: I should be spending every waking hour defending our climate.…