University of Sussex Students' Newspaper

Union Council

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USSU plans third referendum on renaming President role

Sussex’s Students’ Union will hold another referendum on renaming the role of President for the third year running. Students will be asked in the penultimate week of term whether the…

RESULTS ANNOUCNED! Next year's part-time officers are revealed…

The election results for the new part-time officers of the University of Sussex Students’ Union came out on Thursday 19 May. Voting was conducted online, at Falmer House and the…

Sports society waits for nude calendar go-ahead

The decision to allow a sports society nude calendar will be made by a working group after the Students’ Union council meeting. The meeting on Friday 28 January, attended by…

AGM fails to reach quoracy

After ten days of intensive efforts to attract the whole of the student body, the Annual General Meeting (AGM), organised by the Students’ Union, did not reach quoracy. Although 260…

No stupid surveys, thanks very much

If you are a third year student and oppose the local and national cuts being made to the higher education sector, there’s something simple and really effective you can do…

Union Council agrees to NUS and military referendum

Union council last week decided to hold cross-campus referendums on two of the most controversial motions tabled at this years Students’ Union Annual General Meeting (AGM). The motion for Sussex…