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Pink to Make the Boys Think: Barbie and Representation in Awards Shows

In a world that claims to embrace diversity and inclusion, the glaring lack of representation in traditional award shows continues to raise eyebrows and question the relevance of these glitzy…

Transgender Representation in British Media

Trans people discuss how the British press misrepresents their lived experience Words by Rhys Mathers CW: Transphobia, mention of sexual assault “We’re being pressured into sex by some trans women”…

Candice-Carty Williams launches new book Queenie

Candice-Carty Williams is set to feature at Brighton Festival’s event Shapeshifters on 12 May alongside the equally talented Zawe Ashton. She will be discussing her brand new book, Queenie, which…

BAME Representation: Darren Chetty and Lacking Representation in Literature

I came across Darren Chetty, a teacher and author based in London, when reading the 2016 Readers Choice Award winner The Good Immigrant. Compiled of a selection of essays and…

Pale and male? Representation and Jeremy Corbyn’s cabinet

The new Labour shadow cabinet positions have been allocated, and I have been struggling (significantly more than usual) to deal with the fatuous and repetitive onslaught that the media has…

President of Sussex UKIP society decries Anarchist ‘totalitarianism’

As the president of a UKIP society at what is, in general, a very left-wing university, I’m well aware of the fact that our views are not popular with a…

AGM motions ‘fail’ to represent students’ views

Over fifty percent of students believe that military funded bodies should be allowed to function on Sussex campus, a survey for The Badger has revealed. This is despite a motion…