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Should students support the strikes?

Yes Johnbosco Nwogbo Universities are part of society. They don’t sit above society, nor do they transcend society. Problems in universities are de facto social problems. Lecturers, students, non-academic staff,…

Strikes could be suspended Wednesday following controversial deal

Latest: The University and College Union (UCU) strike could be suspended this Wednesday, following talks between the UCU and Universities UK (UUK). Negotiations have resulted in a revised plan…

UCU plan ‘maximum disruption to forthcoming exams’ as talks fail to find resolution

Talks to resolve the dispute over pensions for University staff at a national level have so far failed to reach a resolution, with a further 14 days of strike action…

UCU calls 14 days of teaching strikes

Members of the UCU (University and College Union) have voted for industrial action in their dispute over potential changes to university pension schemes. 61 universities – including Sussex – will…

University lecturers continue to protest pensions

University lecturers and academics of 67 institutions, including Sussex, will resume the June 2011 dispute over detrimental changes to their pension schemes. Lecturers will begin high pressure tactics to force…

Sussex UCU is ‘unsatisfied’ with vice-chancellor response

Tensions between university staff and the vice-chancellor have flared up again as Sussex University and College Union (UCU) representatives reaffirm their plans for strike action over pensions. Members of the…

Pensions strike back on

Talks to resolve the pensions dispute between university management and support staff have broken down. Technical staff held their third day of strike action last Thursday in response.

Strike disruption set to increase

Strikes by technical staff are set to continue as university management refuse to negotiate over pensions changes.

Students march in support of staff pensions

Students and staff marched through campus last Friday in support of striking university workers. Members of the trade union Unite, which represents technical staff, had walked out over changes to…

In pictures: Technical staff strike over pensions

Staff and students marched through campus.

Campus union calls strike

Students are being urged to support a strike by university staff this Friday. Up to 89 members of the trade union Unite are expected to walk out over changes to…