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NSS: Why you keep getting calls from Edinburgh

The National Student Survey is in full swing. The survey of final-year students measures levels of satisfaction with courses and the university. Students on NHS funded courses are also asked…

Sussex fail to rule out further Sackler funding

The University of Sussex has failed to specify whether it has received any further funds from the Sackler family since their £4 million donation to the University in 2010. The…

University spend £120K on organ

The University of Sussex has spent approximately £120,000 on the refurbishment of the Meeting House organ, according to documents obtained by The Badger. The refurbishment was paid for with money…

Funding scheme relaunched

Nic Davies Sports Editor Ever since Badger Sport ran the articles questioning the University’s funding of sport, SussexSport have wasted no opportunity to contact us highlighting everything they fund as…

Feature: Badger Sport “Kicks a Hornet’s nest”

If you thought that the only people who read the Badger are either those admiring their own handiwork, or those whose iPods have frustratingly lost charge on the bus even…

Penny for the sports clubs?

Nic Davies Sport Editor FEATURE Sussex has always talked a good game. Indeed, there has been action to back up to the talk too in the shape of the state-of-the-art…

A student mother pleads: don't close our nursery

The potential closure of the University of Sussex childcare facilities is putting student-parents under considerable stress and is raising key questions about the institution’s vision of diversity. If the university…

Funding for campus allotment

The University of Sussex’s allotment, located near Brighthelm student residences will be possibly receiving a £20,000 funding to further develop the site. This is part of an ongoing project of…

A veneer of marketibility tainting research: As funding bodies feel the squeeze academic integrity is jeopardized

Like most people I am filled with anxieties about what the future will bring. I always imagined, though, that the one fixture in my life would always be academia. If…

Is the RAE corrupt?

Allegations of supposed prejudices have been levelled at the Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) after recent analysis identified links between the performance of an institute in the RAE and how many…

Spies stalk students

Harvard University came to the forefront of student news recently when it was discovered that pharmaceutical giant Pfizer may be spying on them.

Sussex hit by ‘massive’ cuts in government funding

New figures released last Thursday revealed Sussex to be among the biggest losers in the latest round of government funding. The University will lose £1.15m pounds in research funding this…