University of Sussex Students' Newspaper

Sussex rises 10 places in Green rankings

Freya Marshall Payne

ByFreya Marshall Payne

Feb 8, 2016

The University of Sussex has recently been awarded 11th place in the GreenMetric ranking for the university’s accomplishments in conserving energy and sustainability.

The GreenMetric ranking, published on the 22 January, shows Sussex has made considerable improvement since 2014, when it came 21st. However, it is still behind other UK universities such as Nottingham and Oxford, who placed 1st and 5th respectively.

The GreenMatrik ranking was established by Universitas Indonesia in 2010. It ranks 407 universities from 62 countries on environmental issues. This year, the company focused on the theme of carbon footprint, and took into consideration 6 factors: setting and infrastructure, energy, waste management, water, transportation and education. These six factors embrace the “3 Es” that GreenMetric’s philosophy is based upon; Environment, Economic and Equity.

Initiatives such as the “Re:cycle” bike hire that is run on Sussex campus would contribute positively to the transport factor, which Sussex University scored comparatively well in this category.

However, Sussex was let down in the education category and the energy and climate change category.

John Duffy, University Registrar and Secretary, commented: “We are striving to create a sustainable university, with a well-functioning and reliable infrastructure that is environmentally sound. This improvement in our ranking is a pleasing recognition of the ongoing progress we have made in recent years, together with our partner Sussex Estates and Facilities (SEF).”

Angelica, a first year student, thinks that Sussex’s improvement is great as “with the Paris Agreement in December seen as a historic moment, the GreenMetric scale is important to encourage a greater awareness and participation to tackle climate change on a local scale.” Indeed the competitive edge given to sustainability through the rankings could perhaps allow universities to aid in the ambitious global quest to prevent warming of more than 2°C.

In the light of this, ‘Go Green Week’ will be taking place on Sussex Campus from 8th-12th February. Events will be put together by sussex students to raise awereness on environmental issues on both a local and national scale. Film screenings, talks, energy advice, tastings and a sustainabiliy crawl will be organised by student union group’s including the Coffee Appreciation Society, Sussex Style, Fossil Free Sussex and the Green Party Society. For event information please visit the Student Union website.

Juliet Farley

Freya Marshall Payne

By Freya Marshall Payne

Editor-in-Chief. Freya also works on a radio show for Platform B, "Off the Fence", and has freelanced for local newspapers. Freya was previously the Badger's News Editor, and while at sixth form college she founded a student newspaper, The Cymbal. Twitter:

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