University of Sussex Students' Newspaper

Month: February 2016

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  • Why Our Words Matter: Nicole Lachance explores why our everyday lousy language needs to be re-evaluated

Why Our Words Matter: Nicole Lachance explores why our everyday lousy language needs to be re-evaluated

As humans of this world, we are constantly communicating with one another. Whether it is with eyes, machines, media, hands or words, we are always conveying and translating meaning to…

EXCLUSIVE: Sussex head of sport ‘would love to offer’ free access to sports facilities

Sussex University’s head of sport, Karen Creffield, has told The Badger that she would “love to be able to provide” free access to sports facilities to all students. Creffield, who…

Peter Kyle MP: Labour’s New Politics drives me up the wall

Local MP Peter Kyle has launched an attack on the Labour leadership at a Sussex campus Q&A on February 4. The Badger has acquired a recording of the event which…

Sussex students support junior doctors in strike

Students from Brighton Sussex Medical School (BSMS), alongside other activist groups, attended a picket outside the Royal Sussex County Hospital on 10 February in part of a nationally coordinated protest…

Student to make ‘full recovery’ after hit and run at Old Steine

A Sussex Masters student has been discharged from hospital following a hit-and-run in Brighton just over a fortnight ago. Dave Duce, a 21-year-old Masters student, was left seriously injured having…

Tributes for Sussex student killed in collision

A Sussex student has been laid to rest after dying in a car accident over Christmas. Louise Clancy, 22, had been studying English and Sociology at Sussex on exchange from…

Listen in to University Radio Falmer (URF)!

The Jungle

Rebecca Pearson Temperatures of below 5 degrees, mud up to your ankles and the putrid smell of faeces and slightly gone off meat combined; bad for even a single day,…

Shake Your Tail Feather – The Albatross 3rd and Main

Oliver Young When Simon David Eden’s directorial debut, The Albatross 3rd and Main, opened its world premiere in Brighton’s very own Emporium Theatre, I was not entirely sure about the…

Sussex Sour Apples – the Oscars

A few weeks ago one could have been forgiven for thinking this years awards season was fairly light-weight. In the previous two or three years we’ve seen a strong group…

David Bowie: From Brixton to Berlin – A Tribute

David Bowie has been an inescapable presence within music for decades, demonstrating his eclectic range of talents to the world. His pervasive cultural presence allowed him to be the symbol…

The Politics of Student Life

A selective study of student politics at The University of Sussex from its beginnings to the present day. Whether facing down tanks in Tiananmen Square or police gunfire at Kent…

Reinventing the Barbie

Josie Mortimer, Jessica Kraft and Ludovica Fioravanti analyse the reinvention of the Barbie doll. Since her conception in 1959, Barbie has ruled girl-world, and has long been considered the standard…

Dry January: ‘a secular penance’?

Since time immemorial, our partially evolved and imperfect species have marked and charted the passing of our days not simply by the cycles of the moon, or the changing of…

Cameron and Brussels: progress or hot air?

Mr Cameron’s latest round of diplomacy in Brussels has confirmed once again that nothing is straight-forward in the city of compromise. Cameron has been offered a hybrid version of the…

Cecil Rhodes: Erase history or contextualise it?

Last week Oriel College at the University of Oxford released a statement asserting that the statue of politician, colonialist and benefactor Cecil Rhodes will remain on the building’s high street…

Sussex restricts free speech, survey claims

The University of Sussex has ‘some of the most stringent, broad restrictions on speech and expression’ in the country, according to a university free speech survey. Spiked’s 2016 Free Speech…

Fascism in the UK

Seventeen people were arrested and several injured following clashes between a far-right anti-immigrant demonstration and an anti-fascist counter demonstration in Dover on January 30th. Hundreds of anti-fascist protesters went to…

Students don’t want a wealthy Vice-Chancellor, says survey

The Students’ Union has released a report summarising the values that Sussex students say they want to see in the next Vice-Chancellor. The report is based on a consultation conducted…

Sussex rises 10 places in Green rankings

The University of Sussex has recently been awarded 11th place in the GreenMetric ranking for the university’s accomplishments in conserving energy and sustainability. The GreenMetric ranking, published on the 22…