Staying fit and doing exercise is great, but not everyone wants to join the gym or a sports club. We have found some alternatives to the main sports among the many societies at Sussex University. For those who just want to get some fresh air, the Walking Society might be the right thing. However, there are also some societies that are sure to make you sweat.
Take, for example, the PoleSoc that offers hour-long pole fitness classes for everyone, from beginners to advanced levels. It is supposed to be a good laugh and gets you fit at the same time! The society also puts on an annual event called Pole Fever where the members can showcase what they have learned throughout the year.
Another example is the Breaking Society. They are open to anyone who loves breakdancing, including staff and non-students. They train on a weekly basis, meet up outside of university and have links to a number of local groups. They perform at various shows around Brighton and sometimes even at national events.
In case you are more interested in other dance styles, the Dance Society might be the right thing for you. On offer are classes that range from ballet to Zumba. They also have a troupe that goes to competitions. For more Latin oriented people, there is also a Cuban Salsa Society. You don’t need a partner, just go to their sessions and join a Rueda de Casino (a dance in a big circle where you swap partners every couple of minutes).
All these societies stress their desire to share experiences and have fun together. It’s no wonder they all have regular socials and also visit related events together. The shows that were visited last year include the World Pole Sports Championships 2012 and the UK Bboy Championships.
You can find more information about all of these societies and many more under sussexstudent.com/societies, or on Facebook.
Martina Aegerter