University of Sussex Students' Newspaper

Month: January 2010

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Protest held in London for British student in Greek jail

A protest was held in London at the Greek embassy for a British student accused of manslaughter. The student at Bournemouth Uni­versity, Andrew Symeou, is accused of killing Jonathan Hiles…

Union Council to put Constitution to the test

If you’ve been following the debate which followed last term’s referendum to ban Israeli produce from USSU stores, then very little of what follows will be news to you. If…

Tories would target UK visas for foreign students

The Tories are set to clampdown on UK visas for foreign students, particularly those from Afghani­stan and Pakistan. The proposal, put forward by Shadow Home Secretary, Chris Grayling, aims to…

University funding in the UK receives £398m cut

Business secretary Lord Mandelson has declared that the government is to cut university funding in England by a total of £398m for 2010/11. The reduced allo­cations will witness £84m taken…

Stop the Cuts – Protest Video (3/12/09)

A video showing the protest on the 3rd December 2009 against over 100 proposed job cuts at the University of Sussex.

Have humans stopped evolving?

In a time where survival of the fittest means relatively nothing and most humans live to procreate despite illness, poverty and infertility, scientists are asking themselves the question: are we…

The first discoveries of the 21st Century

As we approach the end of the first decade of the 21st century, I thought it would be interesting to go over the discoveries and advances this past decade has…

Air – Love 2 (EMI)

Love 2, Air’s latest offering, arrives two years after the release of Pocket Symphony, and an entire electronic decade since their breakthrough album, Moon Safari: so what’s their latest like?

Ones to watch: Twisted Wheel

There are many gems of wisdom our parents have taught us to heed long beyond childhood; we should all aspire to brush our teeth twice daily, change our bedsheets at…

World's strongest 32% beer is launched

A new beer with a 32% alcohol content has jut been launched, and is described as the world’s strongest beer. The beer, named Tactical Nuclear Penguin, has been made by…

50ft lesbian is let loose in Brighton

There’s a new league of superheroes on the loose. Based in Brighton, this rainbow-coloured team of caped crime-fighters appears in a comic called ‘Spandex’, by local artist Martin Eden. Characters…

The Twilight Sad: a look into the night ahead

It’s surprising: for a band whose roots are embedded in a region north of the border, The Twilight Sad sure do boast an impressive set of ties with Brighton. Perched…

Malcolm Middleton's long, dark night

Malcolm Middleton @ The Hanbury Club, 25/11/2009 Strangely enough, the first article I ever wrote for the music pages of The Badger was a gushing appraisal of Malcolm Middleton’s fourth…

Rugby club faces suspension

The University of Sussex Students’ Union has issued sanctions against the Men’s Rugby Club in response to the incident that took place on campus on the night of October 21st,…