The AGM, the NUS & the way forward

Sussex’s Annual General Meeting is always good fun, despite the boring initial procedures, the confusion, and the long hours of…


NUS approves new constitution

Student Unions overwhelmingly voted in favour for the new National Union of Student’s (NUS) constitutional changes at an Extraordinary Conference…


Beer pong society rejected

The activities committee have recently ruled against the existence of a ‘Beer Pong’ society. The American drinking game, which consists…


Associate Tutors overworked

Associate Tutors in Humanities (HUMS), Social Sciences and Cultural studies (SOCCUL) and the Sussex Institute (SI) are amid a pay…


Introducing… Haunts

Haunts are a band hard to define. Emerging out of the shadows of the London hardcore scene, they fuse elements…


Boosh in Brighton

The Mighty Boosh whisked the eager audience on a ‘journey through time and space’. The Mighty Boosh have clearly established…


The apathy of US

The Students’ Union needs to combat apathy it if wants to remain relevant. The Student Union’s vision of 2006, focuses…



In Clark Gregg’s latest adaptation of a Chuck Palahniuk novel, Sam Rockwell (Assassination of Jesse James, Confessions of a Dangerous…


Baad story

The film begins with the story of Ulrike Meinhof, a middle class journalist who through the responsibility felt by many…