University of Sussex Students' Newspaper

08 – The review

The Badger

ByThe Badger

Dec 8, 2008

From fast runners to human train crashes, 2008 has been a year to remember. The Badger arts team does what every other newspaper does and picks their top cultural moments of the year


A bittersweet return? Err... yes
A bittersweet return? Err... yes

Ben Hobson and Eleanor Griggs have given a melodious tone to the music pages this term.

Who was the best surprise collabaration of 2008?

Har Mar Superstar was at his flabby, balding best when he joined Neon Neon on stage at Digital in October, bringing a dash of sweat-infused dynamism to proceedings.

Overdue retirement of the year?

The Jonas Brothers. Their oldest member has only just turned 21, but there is already an excessive amount of Jonas-related crud in the world. Here’s hoping for a messy drugs-fuelled break-up in the near future.

Mediocre band of the year?

It was a battle between two washed-up ex-britpop stalwarts this year as both Oasis and The Verve brought out albums of phenomenal mediocrity. But the award has to go to Oasis: they’ve been producing overwhelmingly run-of-the-mill material for years now after all, and experience doesn’t count for nothing.

Disappointment of the year?

Ok, Only by the Night, Kings of Leon’s fourth album, isn’t a bad record in any way. But Kings of Leon have been consistently improving with every album they’ve released and I had this one down as their world-beater. For me it doesn’t quite match up to their previous effort, Because of the Times.

Hope for 2009?

The output of the mainstream British music scene this year has been predominantly and inexcusably shit. Apart from a few exceptions (the Mystery Jets and Adeles of this world) all the good stuff has been coming over from America. I never thought I’d say it, but maybe Franz Ferdinand – they’ve got a new album out in January – are the band to inject some much-needed life back into the charts.

Sexiest animal of 2008?

That voluptuously virtual deer from the Orangina adverts – the Lara Croft of the cervine world – wins this category hands-down: she sings; she dances; she displays her furry and unnatural assets for the world to see.


What a way to end the show...
What a way to end the show...

Itchy Parkin and Olivia Wilson have brought the silver screen to the papery world of journalism.

Most shocking moment?

The excitement before The Dark Knight revolved around Heath Ledger’s ‘The Joker’. Looking like an alcoholic in Camden, he brought a rare depth to the world of block-buster acting. Its just very sad that he didn’t get to see the success himself. A posthumous Oscar perhaps?

Who was the best cameo appearance in a film this year?

(more of a supporting role really so I don’t know whether it counts but) Ralph Fiennes as Harry in In Bruges. Hilarious. (was actually considering writing ‘harrylarious’ because i am that cool)

Overdue retirement of the year?

Basically anyone involved in the continuing production of Saw sequels. I think the fact that they can’t and never have thought of original titles for them says it all really. It. Has. Been. Done.

Mediocre film of the year?

Silly name; Silly film. Quantum of Solace saw the relaunching of the James Bond franchise stumble with a film that, next to Casino Royale, looked like a rotten fish shoved up a pig. It was okay though.

Disappointment of the year?

That Johnny Depp didn’t stop being ridiculous, pretending he is enjoying living the idyllic lifestyle he does; in France with the beautiful Vanessa Paradis, generally being amazing and admit his undying love for me.

Hope for 2009?

That Johnny Depp stops being ridiculous, pretending he is enjoying living the idyllic lifestyle he does; in France with the beautiful Vanessa Paradis, generally being amazing and admits his undying love for me!

Sexiest animal of 2008?

Got to be the newt! Whether it be it’s silky skin or crushable legs, its always newt o’clock in the badger office.


From the Comedy Festival to SUDs, theatre has been turned into words through Rachael Wheatley and Kalim Patel.

Overdue retirement of the year?

David Essex bored anyone under the age of fifty with a tired attempt at a comeback in musical ‘All the Fun of the Fair’. But, he did give bagder-performance page arguably its best headline of the term: ‘Has-been has been to Brighton’…

Mediocre performance of the year?

Funny Women. A show, part of October’s Brighton Comedy Festival, that failed to deliver on the promise of its title. Brighton’s own Zoe Lyons’ great headline performance failed to fully compensate for Katherine Ryan’s ill-judged jibes at the lesbian community.

Disappointment of the year?

Bill Bailey’s ‘Remarkable Guide to the Orchestra’ promised to be a refreshing twist on Bailey’s usual music-based comedy. Obviously, the expectations were sky-high for the part-troll, part-genius comedian, but the show itself was a little over-extravagant and self-indulgent. However, one disappointing tour won’t put us off being the first to buy tickets for his next show.

Hope for 2009 ?

Even David Essex announcing his immediate retirement from show business couldn’t make us as excited as the mouth-watering prospect of seeing the two greatest men on Earth (Sir Ian McKellen and Patrick Stewart of course!) perform the lead roles in Samuel Beckett’s strange and witty masterpiece, ‘Waiting for Godot’. Tickets aren’t exactly cheap (they’ll set you back at least £31) but it’s a rare opportunity indeed. Sacrifice a night out on the lash and splash the cash on this instead!

Sexiest animal of 2008?

There was that goat that a Sudanese man was forced to marry after the goat’s owner caught them in the act. She (or he?) was probably pretty sexy. Although of course that’s not to say there weren’t less promiscuous but sexier animals elsewhere…

Hero of the ‘08

John Sergeant and Jeremy Paxman took over pop culture… Get ready to see it again in ‘I love 2008’ in 20 years time, along with the credit crunch and fisting.

Villain of the ‘08

It doesn’t help to be a stripper if you want to be a force for moral good. Not that that mattered to Daily Mail readers … Well done you moronic ‘twats’.

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