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Womanhood and Displacement: in Conversation with Sudanese Sisters

By Jess Mitchell The following is a translation of interviews with Sudanese sisters Naglaa, Rubab and Larin. To protect the identities of those involved, all names and any identifying information…

War Horse comes to Brighton – Review

Few shows demonstrate the sheer theatrical brilliance that War Horse delivered last week when it landed at our very own Brighton Centre. Renowned worldwide for its inventive use of puppetry,…

Climate change and ISIS: Prince Charles debunked

Prince Charles’ proposed link between climate change and ISIS has been sharply criticised by Sussex’s Prof. Jan Selby, who told The Badger the evidence backing Charles’ assertion is “close to…

The Big Debate: Should “Jihadi John” have been given a fair trial?

Yes Is bombing the hell out of an executioner really the ‘right thing to do’? An executioner only acts on orders, and this (unconfirmed) killing won’t stop or even slow…

Islamic State is the root cause of the refugee crisis

In Western Europe, the past year has seen mainstream media inundated with stories of a ‘migrant crisis’, whereby refugees have made the painstaking journey of travelling from war-torn countries in…

It’s time to admit defeat in the war on drugs

Zero-tolerance policies are a knee-jerk reaction to the drug epidemic, and Sussex University’s implementation of this policy will follow in a long line of failed attempts. Prohibition against drugs has…

Be still and know nothing

Here’s a piece of news to make you wince: according to a new survey, most people in the UK are unaware of major world conflict zones other than Iraq and…