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Comment Cast: The US is leaving the Paris Climate Agreement- but does it really matter?

In this episode Will and Julian debate whether or not the US leaving the Paris Climate Agreement really matters. Thanks for listening and tune in for more next week!

The Absurdity of Modern Politics

It is fair to say that we are living in troubled times. Not only troubled though, they are becoming increasingly absurd, this absurdity personified by Donald Trump and his ridiculous…

Reflections on the release of Shaker Aamer

British resident Shaker Aamer was repatriated last week. He spent thirteen years in the notorious Guantanamo Bay detention facility. Whilst incarcerated it’s suspected he witnessed and may even have experienced…

U.S. election at East Slope Bar

Election night on 6 November saw scores of Sussex students on campus and across Brighton pulling all-nighters to witness an historic Presidential election, which ended in an Obama victory. Students…

The farce of the Republican primaries

Every four years an event occurs that costs hideous sums of money, lasts much longer it should, and invades the news with touch-screen diagrams and multiple correspondents. The performances are…

Moral dilemmas that must be faced

The Israel/Palestine debate is not an easy one to delve into, and frankly I’m astonished that anyone can whole-heartedly embrace one side or the other entirely. But if we’re to…