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MP and Sussex Professor collide over tide

Author: Hannah Richards Our very own Professor Paul Nightingale gave UKIP MP Douglas Carswell a quick science lesson after he criticised his Brexit analogy on Twitter. Nightingale, in support of…

Tuition fee protesters are betraying poor students

Barely a month goes by now, when swathes of central London are not shut down for another mass protest by the eternally entitled hordes of middle-class students who have taken…

The Big Debate: Should grammar schools be abolished?

Yes Should grammar schools be exterminated or expanded? EXTERMINATE! When I’m elected Prime Minister, on the biggest landslide result the nation has ever seen in the year 2040, the first…

Labour Party Conference comes to Brighton

Thousands of Labour Party activists headed to Brighton’s Hilton Metropole for the party’s annual conference from 27 – 30 September. The conference saw speeches from Labour MPs, including their newly…

President of Sussex UKIP society decries Anarchist ‘totalitarianism’

As the president of a UKIP society at what is, in general, a very left-wing university, I’m well aware of the fact that our views are not popular with a…