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National dip in university applications reflected at Sussex

There has been a fall in the number of students applying to universities across the country, due in part to the impending fee hike. Students beginning university in 2012 face…

The only way is Media

The statistics show that both domestically and aggregately, the number of students undertaking media related subjects is falling. However, those who do proceed with such a degree are finding jobs…

Why I am glad that I was rejected from Oxford

Who hasn’t looked at the university league tables? For many, it’s the first port of call when choosing a university. It’s hard to escape looking at the top two of…

Sussex wrongly welcomes applicants via e-mail

The University of Sussex incorrectly sent out e-mails welcoming applicants to the university. Several thousand people received the e-mail in April in which they were welcomed by the School of…

Universities “should cater for over-50s”

A recent Universities UK report has suggested that British universities must offer more courses suitable for people aged 50 and above. The study, ‘Active Ageing and Universities’, proposes that as…

Recession triggers rise in UCAS applications

Just as the Government has decided to cap university places by 5,000, UCAS has revealed that there has been an increase of 34,000 applications bringing the national figures up to…