University of Sussex Students' Newspaper

Tom Gockelen-Kozlowski

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  • Liberal thought is not a waste of time

Liberal thought is not a waste of time

Spluttering on my fair trade coffee last week I was astonished to discover that I inhabit a perilous ‘liberal bubble’ which is slowly lulling me into a false sense of…

Cello… It’s nice to meet you

The London Philharmonic Orchestra is a an internationally renowned collective of top class musician who play a repertoire that would outstretch the length of the entire REM back catalogue. Yet…

A free beer (and a little culture too)

With all the Dub-step and Gabba that students apparently like, its easy to forget that you can still get melody and sophistication during your student years. If you fancy listening…

Peggy Sue and the interview

When The Badger caught up with Peggy Sue’s Katy Klaw, she wasn’t being self consciously rock ‘n roll, smoking a goat hide and declaring herself the beginning middle and end…

Selling out to fit in

Let’s take New Labour as an introductory example, in this little thesis of mine. Mr Blair and chums had to sell out, beyond the edge of taste, just to get…

Mystery Jets talk war, murder and the credit crunch

‘I heard 2009 is going to be the year of New Rave. It’s catchy. Old rave isn’t good.’ You heard it here first kids. Now plaster on the glow paint…

Lucy Porter Interview

Chatty, chirpy, funny woman Lucy Porter is a festival veteran, and can now add the Brighton Comedy Festival 2008 to her ridiculously long list of performances. She talks to The…

Back for good?

After troubles with drink and the disaster of Channel 5’s Naked Jungle, Keith Chegwin finally seems comfortable with his fame, his past and himself. ‘I know how good life can…