University of Sussex Students' Newspaper

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Campus ATMs vandalised

Vandalism hit the University last week following the targeting of both ATMs outside the Barclays bank on campus, leaving both cash-points incommunicado. The act of vandalism left both ATMs out…

March for England will not ‘surrender to student scum’

The March for England (MfE), an annual event with strong ties to the far-right English Defence League, took place on Sunday in Brighton. The march, campaigning for a national bank…

One arrest made following sexual assault allegations

Follow the investigation of two alleged sexual assaults on the University of Sussex campus, Sussex Police have released a statement saying they have arrested a young woman on suspicion of…

‘No evidence’ on second campus assault, say Police

Sussex Police have closed the investigation into an alleged sexual assault on campus last Tuesday 21 February. The police claim that there was not enough evidence to support that such…

Fake alcohol on sale in Brighton’s off-licenses

Huge amounts of fake and illegal alcohol were seized during a two-day crackdown on shops in Brighton. Between 31 January and 1 February teams of Sussex Police, Revenue and Customs…

Police called to campus

An alleged incident of campus-based prostitution was reported to Sussex Police by the University of Sussex in mid-March. The matter was immediately referred to the police. It revolved around the…

Early May Day protest in Brighton leads to arrests

Police revealed that eight people were arrested in early May Day protests in Brighton, East Sussex on Sunday 30 April. It is believed that over 200 people took part in…

Sussex Police reject ‘unjustified’ violence claim at student protest

A report by three academics concluded that Sussex Police used a “disproportionate and unjustified” level of violence against students during the two student protests that took place in Brighton last…

Robbers raid student home

A group of thieves broke into a student house in Hove on Tuesday and threat­ened to kill the students inside. The attack took place at about 9.30 pm in Albany…

More armed police officers on Sussex streets

New figures expose the dramatic increase of armed police being deployed onto the streets of Sussex in the past year. This comes in spite of the fall in the number…