University of Sussex Students' Newspaper

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An argument for pragmatism

Anyone who hasn’t been living under a rock for the past two months will have been aware of the students march in London last Wednesday. It is of course a…

Management gets heavy-handed

Those of you that noticed the fleet of riot vans and police cars surrounding Sussex House last Thursday may have wondered if some disastrous or imminent threat had just been…

The occupation served only to divide

I feel as strongly as anybody about supporting those members of staff who are facing redundancy in the light of management’s cuts. I also fully support any student demonstration which…

The movement must box-clever

Following the occupation at Sussex House, in which a few senior members of staff effectively held their own occupation within that building by refusing to leave without police escort, a…

University files high court injunction against students

The University of Sussex has been granted a High Court injunction banning students from entering or remaining inside administration buildings on campus without written consent of management. The application was…

Stop the Cuts in pictures

University calls police on students who protest outside Sussex House against university cuts

Last Wednesday 3 March at 12.30pm students occupied Sussex House for five hours in protest against proposed course cuts and job losses. Police in a convoy of vans were called…

Fraudulent student still has access to Sussex e-mail

In open e-mails to University administration, Sussex House has been accused of using “censorship” as part of a “cover-up operation” by a group representing the victims of Sussex postgraduate Erich…