EU Referendum: the Badger guide to results night
Pictured: the Meeting House was turned into a polling station on campus where many students have today cast their votes in the rain. Photo: Freya Marshall Payne Today’s the day!…
Less than five percent turnout for Student Rep elections
Only 612 students took part in this year’s Students’ Union Student Rep elections. This marks the lowest percentage turnout in recent years for Student Rep elections and is almost a…
Winners of union full-time officer elections announced
Following a lively evening in Falmer Bar, the winners of the full-time Students’ Union officer elections were announced on Thursday 10 February. The candidates had been campaigning in full force…
Referenda results: URNU to stay; USSU to twin with Goma
The results of the referenda are in and voters emphatically chose that the Students’ Union should twin with the University of Goma to share skills, knowledge and resources and that…