University of Sussex Students' Newspaper


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Is the UK ready to legalise cannabis?

YES Max Morris-Edwards The idea that cannabis should be legalised for recreational use is rapidly growing in popularity across the UK. Cannabis is indeed the most used illegal drug in…

Big winner of cannabis legalisation would be ‘evil corporations’, says Hitchens at campus debate

Mail on Sunday columnist Peter Hitchens was defeated by ex-Liberal Democrat MP Norman Baker in a cannabis legalisation debate watched by 200 people on the 7th April in Fulton. A…

Political Highlights

The American Election: Last Tuesday saw the re-election of the incumbent President of the United States, Barack Obama. Despite gaining 100 more electoral college votes than his competitor Mitt Romney,…

An injection of common sense?

Recreational drug use and Sussex’s radical, free-thinking reputation seemingly go hand-in-hand – but do rumours of drug problems among students justify the panic? ‘Get a grip’, argues one student… The…

Film review: Mr. Nice

Mr. Nice Bernard Rose UK, 2010, 121 mins, 18 In typically astute fashion, renowned raconteur Howard Marks will be gracing stages across the UK throughout October 2010 for a tour…

Family Guy banned in drugs crackdown

Family Guy, synonymous with a talking dog, awkward teenagers, and a baby that wants to take over the world, hardly the first thing you would ban when taking a hard-line…