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Womanhood and Displacement: in Conversation with Sudanese Sisters

By Jess Mitchell The following is a translation of interviews with Sudanese sisters Naglaa, Rubab and Larin. To protect the identities of those involved, all names and any identifying information…

Political unrest rattles the streets of Chile

What started as a general protest against a rise in public transport cost has grown into a full blown social uprising.

Schools to offer bursaries for language courses

Chris Harding, our Undergraduate Education Officer, has fulfilled one of his most impressive manifesto pledges by ensuring that bursaries will be offered to students for language courses.


A short letter on the reality of staying sober as a student, in recognition of STOPTOBER season Many of you may associate being a student with hangovers, crazy parties and…

Sussex protests international student policy changes

Sussex joined the NUS-organised lecture walk-out on 17 November to show solidarity with international students, migrants and refugees. The day began with a demonstration in Library Square, where members of…

Sussex University: internationally acknowledged

So it looks like Sussex University is up there with the best of them. Congratulations are in order as recently, it emerged that our University is joint 46th place in…

International Students Threatened

Long suffering International students studying at London Metropolitan University (LMU) could afford to breathe a sigh of relief this week after a judicial verdict by a High Court judge granting…

The Chancellor at No. 42

The new University Chancellor was announced last week as Sanjeev Bhaskar OBE. A writer and actor, Bhaskar is famed for his roles in TV comedy Goodness Gracious Me and his…

‘Invisible Children’ come to Sussex

Last week The ‘Invisible Children’ came to Sussex University a debate to promote their campaign for awareness of Civil Rights atrocities in Uganda. The group focuses on the ongoing Ugandan…

Sussex student arrested in Greece

A Sussex postgraduate student was arrested and harassed by Greek police whilst visiting family in Athens over the Christmas holiday. Myrto, 26, was on her way to visit the bank…

Controversial professor ‘banned from Sussex’ dies

‘War criminals on the lecture circuit!’ ran the headline on the student newspaper when Professor Samuel P. Huntington came to speak at Sussex in 1973. The controversial academic, who was…

New international student legislation “appalling”

From the end of this month international students wanting to come to the UK to study will be subject to finger-printing, in a piloting of the biometric identity cards that…

Sussex’s £3 million frozen in Iceland

The University of Sussex had £3 million frozen last week as news emerged that the University is one of the twelve UK establishments with money invested in one of the…

Union calls on Uni to revoke Mbeki doctorate

Thabo Mbeki, South Africa’s former president and Sussex alumnus, has had an astonishingly bad year. First came a humiliating defeat last December, when the ruling African National Congress (ANC) elected…