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A Candid Interview with Brighton’s Peace Camp 

Every week I venture into Brighton from campus for work, and every bus journey down Lewes Road, I was hit by the same questions: “I wonder if people actually live…

Ways to Support Palestine as Students

By Thomas Barlow and Sean Mccord (Staff Writers) The Israeli government’s occupation of Gaza and blockade of aid is genocidal. The situation has been ongoing for over six months, and…

Israel’s Artificial Intelligence Targeting System, a Pre-emptive Scapegoat

Israel’s intelligence services have been discovered to be using an artificial intelligence system dubbed “Lavender” to identify and locate Palestinians suspected of being active members of Hamas’ military wing and…

Brighton Peace Camp Continues Protest Against Weapons Factory

Near the Home Farm Road junction on Lewes Road, a large banner with the words ‘Peace Camp’ is visible, marking the presence of the autonomous group ‘Brighton Peace Camp’ who…

Is Our University Funding Genocide?

The University of Sussex takes pride in its recent position as the 8th most sustainable in the UK, alongside its vision to become one of the most sustainable universities in…

Courting Controversy: International Scrutiny Intensifies with Genocide Case Against Israel 

Written by: Akanksha Pandey, Senior Editor and Abigail Keyla, Staff Writer Eighty-three days into the Israel-Hamas war, the Republic of South Africa has filed a genocide case against Israel for…

Redefining Fearless Journalism 

According to the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), at least 85 Palestinian journalists have been killed in Gaza since October 2023. Based on their data, more journalists have been killed…

Holding Power to Account: Interview with MP Lloyd Russel-Moyle

As members of parliament go, Labour’s Lloyd Russel-Moyle is a rather interesting case. Elected to represent Brighton’s Kemptown constituency in 2017, the 37-year-old has made his name in a number…

How Disinformation on Social Media Influences the Narrative

Beyond the amount of firepower, war is also about who controls the narrative. While various international and local media outlets are trying to cover the ongoing Gaza conflict, false information…

Palestine Awareness Week "a success"

Sussex Friends of Palestine’s week ‘Palestine Awareness Week’ was a series of events taking place on campus aimed to draw attention to the Israel-Palestine conflict. Their aim was to raise…

Boycott referendum rerun is rescheduled

Union Council votes to postpone Israeli boycott referendum until autumn term On Friday, the University of Sussex’s Student Union (USSU) Council voted to postpone the re-running of the Israeli boycott…

Sussex boycotts Israeli goods

Last Thursday 29th October, Sussex students voted in favour of a Student Union boycott of Israeli goods. Turn out at the referendum totalled 1038 students; 526 votes were cast for…

“Books not Bombs”

Cardiff University’s ‘Students Against War’ group recently occupied the University’s main lecture theatre in protest against the university’s investment in the arms trade and the war in Gaza. The students’…

Who’s the Orientalist?

The extent of some people’s arrogance, ignorance and shamelessness can indeed be revolting sometimes. That’s what I thought when I read the recent Badger article entitled ‘Balance it out!’. I…

Balance it out!

As an anti-war campaign, it would not make sense to support Hamas. Hamas of course believe a military resistance to be the only solution. As you know, for Hamas a…

Freedom to criticise, or racism?

It seems that – one way or another – some people on this campus are intent on launching a sometimes overt, sometimes covert campaign against the Muslim members of our…

London students start wave of protests to support Gaza

On Tuesday 13 January a group of School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) students began their occupancy in the Brunei Gallery where the Ministry of Defence(MOD) were holding an…

Speakers condone violence against civilians

Like so many people across the world and at this university I was appalled by the actions recently taken by the Israeli government in Gaza. I believed that it was…

Pro-Palestinian students occupy lecture theatre after anti-war talk

Students occupied the Arts A2 lecture theatre in protest over the continuing Israeli military action in Gaza, following a speech from a controversial British-Palestinian academic that drew an audience of…

Israeli students speak out over Gaza massacre

Palestinian and Israeli students were among those protesting in Brighton earlier this month in the biggest anti-war demonstration seen in the city since the invasion of Iraq.