University of Sussex Students' Newspaper

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Schools to offer bursaries for language courses

Chris Harding, our Undergraduate Education Officer, has fulfilled one of his most impressive manifesto pledges by ensuring that bursaries will be offered to students for language courses.

Silencing the student voice: London free education demo

The Free Education Demonstration, which took place in London last Wednesday, attracted a large turnout of student protesters – around 10,000, including many Sussex students – all there for different…

SNP talk free education at Aberdeen conference

The SNP Annual Conference from 15 to 17 October in Aberdeen saw Scottish Nationalist MPs addressing a range of domestic and foreign policy issues. Party leader Nicola Sturgeon told voters…

Why students should strike for free education

#StudentStrike: WTF is going on? On the 10th of September the National Executive Council (NEC) of the National Union of Students (NUS), which represents around seven million students nationally, including…

NUS and USSU debate free education

Friday 20 February saw a debate between the NUS Higher Education Officer, Aaron Porter and USSU Education Officer, Adam Farrell on ‘fairer funding’ versus ‘free education’ in the run up…

Think-tank calls for tuition fees cap to be abolished

The free market think-tank Reform has recommended that the £3,145 cap on tuition fees be scrapped. Reform’s report, The Mobile Economy, advises removing both the tuition fees cap and all…