University of Sussex Students' Newspaper

EU Referendum

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Brexit, a month later: The Badger finds out what Europeans think now

Daniel Green A month ago today, the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union, leaving uncertainty regarding withdrawal negotiations, Britain’s relationship with the 27-state organisation and the future for…

Brighton sees Leave and Remain supporters unite after Brexit

Freya Marshall Payne On June 28th an estimated 200 people gathered on The Level despite a heavy downpour to attend ‘Brighton and Hove Stands together’, a rally held as part…

Brexit Britain: Divided and Conquered

Britain is in a mess. A huge mess. A catastrophic mess. The nation’s fundamental divisions – age, education, income – are strikingly visible. And what a horrifying sight it is.…

EU Referendum: the Badger guide to results night

Pictured: the Meeting House was turned into a polling station on campus where many students have today cast their votes in the rain. Photo: Freya Marshall Payne Today’s the day!…