University of Sussex Students' Newspaper

Month: July 2016

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Top 20 things politicians need to know about science

The owner’s manual of any car will tell you in the most excruciatingly simplistic step-by-step manner possible how to operate everything from the seatbelts to the trunk lock and how…

Review: Truck Fest 2016

Truck 2016 was blessed with the perfect combination of luscious weather and scintillating bands, ensuring the sold out festival lived up to its sparkling reputation. Friday Following the soulful musings…

‘We’re not trying to reproduce the [poetry] establishment’: the 7th Annual Sussex Poetry Festival, reviewed

7th Annual Sussex Poetry Festival poster. Image: Josh Cook. Freya Marshall Payne ‘We’re not trying to reproduce the establishment’ is something Natalia Cecire, one of the organisers, said to me…

Brexit, a month later: The Badger finds out what Europeans think now

Daniel Green A month ago today, the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union, leaving uncertainty regarding withdrawal negotiations, Britain’s relationship with the 27-state organisation and the future for…

Satire: Media Compliance Supervisor

A badger. Photo: via Flickr. Glenn Houlihan We’re looking for someone to make sure student media complies with SU policy. The Union’s newspaper, radio station and tv channel produce amazing…

Local Labour branch suspended and election results annulled amid opposing claims of misconduct

Labour Leader Mr Corbyn shortly after being elected last year. Photo: Flickr Freya Marshall Payne The Brighton, Hove and District Labour Party has been suspended by the party’s National Executive…

If only we could pull out our brain and use only our eyes.

People are now spending more time playing Pokemon Go than they are on Snapchat, Instagram and WhatsApp. It takes energy to not get frustrated by the negative we see in…

Review: Florence and the Machine @ BST Hyde Park

British Summer Time Festival returned for another magical year of music in one of the UK’s most stunning royal parks. This time they brought a dazzling array of headliners to…

20 tips on how to survive riding a Motorcycle

You do not need to dress up in an airbag balloon or some sort of a space suit. You don’t need to be looking like a mad person around you…

The 10 most beautiful cars you could buy right now

Similar to Jimmy Kimmel’s Handsome men’s club, we like to imagine all the really good-looking cars occasionally gather together to affirm each other’s hotness. The task of the identifying the…

Who thinks that the music in the 80s was better than today’s?

Of course “better” is subjective, but I will say this. There was more freedom, and risk involved in music making from around 1978 up to at least 1989. Certainly in…

Calvin Klein known for launching the careers of such svelte models

It’s kind of confusing because I’m a bigger girl, Dalbesio says. I’m not the biggest girl on the market but I’m definitely bigger than all the girls has ever worked…

18 reasons why you should drink black coffee every day

Music festival season is officially in full swing . To help you get the most out of your festival-going experience, we’ve rounded up a helpful checklist of packing essentials so…

Little things no one tells you about Guitar and Other Instruments

This article is going to be a bit different than some of the others on our site. Well, it’s probably going to be a bit different than most articles you’ll…

Why do people say old cars are better than new cars?

Older cars were frequently built of heavier, stronger materials, and had bigger engines with more power than their modern equivalents, but they were not necessarily safer or better. Modern cars…

The healing properties of Music Therapy- Power of Music

Though it’s been around for more than 100 years, music therapy as a distinct discipline has recently been cast in the spotlight for the role it played last year in…

6 Ways to maintain a Debt-Free lifestyle

It might appear impossible, but many consumers succeed in living their entire lives without any debt. People of a variety of ages and income levels have made this choice. It’s…

10 Ways to become a better football player

As an athlete, you never feel like you’ve reached your full potential, regardless of your skill level.The human body and mind are capable of extraordinary feats, and sports offer us…

Why play football. Some views on the game, from those who know it best

For people who haven’t played the sport before, it’s hard to explain to them why you would subject your body to that kind of stress and turmoil, but for people…

You can’t blame gravity for falling in love with

Planet Earth is a big place, and as over 70% of it is ocean with around 620,000km of coastline, there are a lot of places to go surfing. Long distance…