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Clubbing vs Sobriety: Can We Do Both? 

The thought of clubbing sober almost does not bear thinking about. The cramped, sweaty, dingy basement clubs with dance floors that are sticky with god-knows-what, the reek of chunder in…

4 Out of 5 Sussex Students Take Drugs

An annual survey of over 6,000 students conducted by The Tab in February has revealed the drug and vaping habits of students from all over the UK. This survey found…

Brighton: If you haven’t got the means, is it the ends?

In this article Comment Editor Rebecca Spencer and Comment Sub-Editor Louis Johnson discuss their perspectives of living in Brighton. Rebecca having moved here in 2017 and Louis, a born and…

Young people across the UK taking ‘Fake Xanax’

Young people from schools and universities across the UK have been using a fake version of the drug Xanax. An article by the BBC last year found that “children as…

Sussex fail to rule out further Sackler funding

The University of Sussex has failed to specify whether it has received any further funds from the Sackler family since their £4 million donation to the University in 2010. The…

Neuroscience explores Sex, Drugs, and Rock’n’Roll

Researchers have found that the opioid system, responsible for pleasure from natural rewards and drugs, is also needed for the enjoyment of music Music and drugs activate the same circuits…

Bad trips ain’t all that bad

New research brings new light on whether “bad” trips deserve the negative press Research at the John Hopkins University shows participants recalling bad trips from ‘shrooms’ felt like it had…

Big winner of cannabis legalisation would be ‘evil corporations’, says Hitchens at campus debate

Mail on Sunday columnist Peter Hitchens was defeated by ex-Liberal Democrat MP Norman Baker in a cannabis legalisation debate watched by 200 people on the 7th April in Fulton. A…

Drug addiction and law: a brain perspective given by Dr. Hans Crombag

Christa Orchard On Wednesday 14th November, as a part of a series of events organised by Sussex Students for Sensible Drug Policy, Dr. Hans Crombag, assistant professor in the psychology…

Operation Reduction: How the police of Brighton are trying to kill off addiction in the city

Brighton is an impressively cosmopolitan city, with 26,000 students and up to 8 million visitors a year. There are great pubs, restaurants and clubs right on your doorstep, as well…

Drugs Live: Science or Circus

W.T. Who’d have thought that not only would the 21st Century bring about the completion of the human genome project, the discovery of the Higgs-Boson, but also people gurning their…

Caroline Lucas talks fees and trees at Sussex

MP for Brighton Pavilion Caroline Lucas dismissed Labour’s proposed ‘slash’ of student fees to £6000 as insufficient whilst speaking at The University of Sussex last week. The MP was also…

It’s time to admit defeat in the war on drugs

Zero-tolerance policies are a knee-jerk reaction to the drug epidemic, and Sussex University’s implementation of this policy will follow in a long line of failed attempts. Prohibition against drugs has…

Apparent lack of research confused issues in article

The drugs debate is one which is consistently marred with misinformation and poor research. I would like to comment on a recent feature titled “An injection of common sense?” to…

An injection of common sense?

Recreational drug use and Sussex’s radical, free-thinking reputation seemingly go hand-in-hand – but do rumours of drug problems among students justify the panic? ‘Get a grip’, argues one student… The…

Miaow mix, miaow mix, please deliver

A girl of 14 from Moulsecoomb recently died after allegedly taking a combination of methedrone (aka miaow miaow, MMcat) and ketamine. This is one of the first deaths directly related…

Smart drugs; a new panacea?

Modafinil. Exelon. Reminyl. These are all names which where virtually unheard of a year ago but are now appearing in newspaper and magazine articles with astounding regularity. They are smart…

An Injection of Common Sense?

When the National Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse began its heroin “shooting gallery” pilot project four years ago, critics argued that it would result in a proliferation of drug dealing…

Family Guy banned in drugs crackdown

Family Guy, synonymous with a talking dog, awkward teenagers, and a baby that wants to take over the world, hardly the first thing you would ban when taking a hard-line…

Gonzo = journalism’s fad

When a friend recommended Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, I raised a sceptical eyebrow. And this friend of mine (let’s call him Oscar) told me the book was a…