University of Sussex Students' Newspaper

Caroline Lucas

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Sussex Go Green Week

The University of Sussex will be celebrating Go Green Week from Monday February 25 to Friday March 1. The week will see presentations and workshops delivered to explain more about…

Caroline Lucas Switches on 3,000 Solar Panels Across Campus

On Friday 13 October Caroline Lucas, MP for Brighton Pavilion, switched on 3,000 newly installed solar panels. Ms Lucas was assisted by Jolyon Western, a Student Life Advisor, and Anna…

The Big Interview: Caroline Lucas

William Singh and Glenn Houlihan Photos: Miles Fagge Caroline Lucas is a very familiar name to those living in her Brighton Pavilion constituency. Elected to Parliament in 2010, and re-elected…

Green Party Conference 2015

Last weekend saw over a thousand Green Party Members gather in Bournemouth for the Green Party’s Autumn Conference, with the Green Surge at the 2015 General Elections, the European refugee…

Caroline Lucas returns to campus for Union Q and A

Caroline Lucas, the MP for Brighton Pavilion and the only elected member of the Green Party, visited the University of Sussex for the first time since her re-election in May.…

Jeremy Corbyn leaves door open for possible pact with Caroline Lucas

Scroll down for our interview with Jeremy Corbyn. Jeremy Corbyn has left open the possibility of an electoral pact with Green MP Caroline Lucas. When asked by The Badger if…

The Essence of Privatisation

“The only way contractors make a profit is by cutting jobs and wages – that is the essence of privatisation.” Those were the words of Jeremy Corbyn, local MP for…

Registrar: no student consultation

Controversy has arisen surrounding plans to outsource a number of services at the University of Sussex, after it was revealed the Registrar, John Duffy, admitted that no students were consulted…

Caroline Lucas talks fees and trees at Sussex

MP for Brighton Pavilion Caroline Lucas dismissed Labour’s proposed ‘slash’ of student fees to £6000 as insufficient whilst speaking at The University of Sussex last week. The MP was also…

MP and Councillor work to tackle 'rogue' landlords

Shelter, a homeless charity, has recently launched a campaign to target landlords who take advantage of their tenants. They are urging the government to enforce pre-existing laws such as deposit…

Campaign for living wage, amid rising student costs

Despite Brighton being the 5th most expensive city in the country, Brighton students get the same budget as students living in cheaper cities, and less than those living in London.…

From Copenhagen to Cancun

Hopkins While Caroline Lucas, Green Party MP, can offer insight into the ongoing political and practical negotiations surrounding climate change, Ellie Hopkins – former Student’s Union Ethical and Environmental officer…

Vote for Charlotte, not Charlatans

Let me begin by saying how the recent MP expenses scandal shocked and outraged us all – and rightly so. However, this does not justify judging Charlotte Vere, Conservative candidate…

Greens sow the seed for political optimism in Brighton

With the ever growing mistrust of the Labour Party reaching new heights and creeping scepticism over the Conservatives and the substance of their policies, political pessimism is rife in Britain.…