Mine Creatures

NASA astrobiologists find new extremophile in a Mexican mine, the big question is how did they get there? Currently on…


Free Trade is Fair Trade

After WW2 the world was ravaged by conflict. Everyone was in agreement, this could not be allowed to happen again.…


Underground Profiles: POLAR

Brighton’s underground scene is getting a vital injection of energy from POLAR, who are supporting up and coming DJ’s in…

Fee, TEF, tuition fees, rise, Sussex University

Fees rise for current students

Sussex will see fees rise to £9,250 for every home and EU undergraduate, including current students, those who have already…


Fascist stickers found on campus

Students express outrage at discovery of images depicting British fascist Oswald Mosley Union condemns ‘hate incident’ after stickers found in…


An Ode to New Queer Cinema

In a 1992 edition of the British Film Institute magazine, Sight and Sound, the American scholar B Ruby Rich coined…