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International Womens’ Day and Feminism Today

Vicky Grantham discusses the prevalence of Feminism in light of International Women’s Day, especially through social media. Hundreds marched in support of International Women’s Day in London with many donning…

First person account: Depression and me

Sophie Jones describes her ongoing experiences with depression and how it affects her illogically on a regular basis. You know how, when its winter, you can hardly imagine being able…

Lunar New Year 2015: the year of the sheep

Chloe Allibon provides a brief history of Lunar New Year, describing Chinese, Tibetan and Vietnamese traditions and celebrations. On Thursday 19 February, Lunar New Year celebrations will begin, as we…

LGBTQ+ first person account: I am Bisexual

Grace Kavanagh provides a personal account of her decision to ‘come out’ as bisexual, detailing her reception and anxieties surrounding it. I have recently come out as bisexual. Although there…

Sussex University: internationally acknowledged

So it looks like Sussex University is up there with the best of them. Congratulations are in order as recently, it emerged that our University is joint 46th place in…

Married and ‘Mature’: Life as an undergraduate at 28

Hannah Clifton describes her experience of balancing being a mature undergraduate, studying for a career change and planning a wedding. It is the New Year, the essay deadline has been…

Meet the Ugly Girls Club

What would you do if someone called you ugly? If you’re a member of Royal Holloway’s FemSoc, you start a viral selfie campaign. Victoria Rodrigues O’Donnell speaks to members of…

Should we be thankful for Thanksgiving, or is it a Turkey?

Connor Cochrane describes the history behind Thanksgiving, giving a personal insight, as well as relating it to other festive holidays. Thanksgiving is an American holiday celebrated on the 4th Thursday…

Don't Rent Yet: A students' guide to housing

“Being a student is the best time of your life”. For sure, that is what every student is told during their first year and even before they come to university.…

The inescapable clutches of social networking

Jordan Ellis discusses the power of social networking: how we do not realise its influences, its worth, and the effects it has on our brains. Ask yourself this: how many…

Can we call LGBTQ* celebrities role-models?

Growing up, everybody has a role model. You haven’t really experienced being young if you haven’t, at some stage literally felt like someone famous is the greatest person on earth.…

Stress: was once useful, now a nuisance

There are some words in the English language that have lost a little bit of their meaning. Many people have their own meaning and parameters for such words. This causes…

What I didn’t expect India to show me

Beyond the spices, saris and sunshine: Florella Scozzafava writes about the reality of life in India compared with her earlier preconceptions. On 15th August, I arrived at Heathrow’s Terminal Three…

Domestic Violence

Just because we do not witness the extremities of domestic violence in the private space does not mean it is not there. What happens behind closed doors should be a…

Violence in public spaces

“Text me when you’re home safely!” Such a common conclusion to a night out – especially amongst female friends – may seem innocuous, even sensible. But for some campaigners, such…

The National Trajectory of Local Change

From Sussex question time to the NUS demo in London on the 21st, ‘Privatisation’ is still the word on everybody’s lips. But what makes Sussex’s privatisation so different from other…

A Life Without Fear?

Last week Brighton found itself rampaged by ghosts, zombies and ghouls in the middle of its chilling annual Halloween festival. Strangely, many thousands of people celebrate this day of the…

Cheating the system

Plagiarism and cheating: two words that students come across again and again throughout their academic experience at Sussex. Although it would be surprising to come across a student unfamiliar with…

The Essence of Privatisation

“The only way contractors make a profit is by cutting jobs and wages – that is the essence of privatisation.” Those were the words of Jeremy Corbyn, local MP for…

Aspects of Homesickness

Eva Mendez The first weeks at a new university can be a time of excessive partying, a time of engaging in activities you have never tried before, a time of…