University of Sussex Students' Newspaper

Sustainable Dining through 3D Food Printing

Jenny Choi

ByJenny Choi

May 13, 2024

In an era plagued by concerns over food waste and environmental sustainability, 3D-printed food emerges as a beacon of hope for conscientious diners. While the concept of 3D-printed food has been around for a while, the research trend has shifted from basic feasibility studies to more advanced applications spanning nutrition, sustainability, and healthcare. Beyond revolutionising culinary creativity, 3D-printed food serves as a sustainable solution to global food production challenges, including the critical issue of overfishing.

Overfishing is a severe global problem that depletes fish stocks, damages marine environments, and disrupts ecosystems. The United Nations stated that about 34% of global fish stocks are overfished, posing a significant threat to marine biodiversity and the livelihoods dependent on fishing industries. This is where 3D-printed food steps in as a part of the solution, particularly with the development of 3D-printed seafood.

Companies like Revo Foods are pioneering this field by creating plant-based fish alternatives using 3D printing technology. These products mimic the texture and flavour of real fish without the environmental cost of fishing. For example, Revo Foods uses a blend of pea proteins, algae extracts, and plant oils to replicate salmon’s nutritional profile and taste, aiming to reduce reliance on traditional fishing methods and promote a more sustainable way of consuming seafood.

The potential for creating a sustainable, customisable, and efficient food system is within our reach.

Stakeholder Foods has launched the world’s first plant-based 3D printed eel, aiming to offer a sustainable alternative to traditional eel, which faces threats from overfishing and habitat issues. This innovation is a part of their broader initiative to revolutionise the seafood industry with technology. Utilising their unique DropJet 3D bioprinting process, Stakeholder Foods has managed to replicate the complex texture of eel, aligning with increasing consumer demands for ethical and clean-label products. This could lead to broader applications in producing various textured foods on a potentially industrial scale. 

Beyond addressing overfishing, 3D-printed food contributes to sustainability in several key areas, such as reduction in food waste and local production advantages.  

3D food printers can use ingredients that would otherwise go to waste, such as ugly fruits and vegetables or by-products from food processing. This ability not only helps in reducing food waste, which is a significant issue globally but also maximises the efficiency of food resources. By transforming less desirable produce into appealing and nutritious meals, 3D printing technology ensures that fewer resources are discarded unnecessarily. 

3D food printing can also potentially decentralise food production, making it possible to produce food on-demand anywhere, including in disaster-stricken or remote areas. This capability reduces the need for long supply chains that are costly and carbon-intensive. For instance, if food printers become widespread, communities can produce what they need locally, relying less on global supply chains that contribute to significant greenhouse gas emissions.

While the benefits are promising, the road to the widespread adoption of 3D-printed food in sustainability efforts is fraught with challenges. Public acceptance, regulatory hurdles, and the need for infrastructural changes in the food production industry are significant barriers. However, with increasing technological advances and growing awareness of environmental issues, we can take a substantial step toward a more sustainable and food-secure world. The potential for creating a sustainable, customisable, and efficient food system is within our reach, promising a future where food production aligns harmoniously with environmental conservation.

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