Words by Katie Porter
With the spring term rapidly approaching, there is no better time to figure out where you study best. As you’ve no doubt discovered, there are so many spaces on offer at Sussex for all forms of work – such as social, focused and group study. Many previous Sussex students have noted that they found a ‘favourite’ space to complete assignments, often in the library, but that it took them some time to discover which spot suited them best. As such, I have compiled a walk-through of some of the resources and most favoured spots on offer. This spring, I hope you will be able to find your most productive area on campus, before this academic year is brought to a close.
One favourite spot cited for the positive vibes is the ‘cafė bar’, tucked away behind the ground-floor cafė in the Attenborough Centre. The students I spoke to noted that they didn’t discover this space as early as they would have liked, despite it being almost hidden in plain sight. This gorgeous and enlightening space contains huge windows, making for an atmospheric work session. Often, studying can be a gloomy task, with the English weather rarely helping. However, this room is filled with plants, lots of tables for group or individual work, and an altogether inspiring atmosphere. As well as these, it includes (obviously) a convenient cafė, for the caffeine fill that could be needed for those long, taxing assignments. If you’re a fan of this spot, there is a similarly plant-filled and tucked-away spot behind the Library cafė. Although more well known, it is equally noted for its air of calm. Lastly, the Falmer House common room is similar to these two in style, but much more relaxed, so I would recommend going here for a more chilled out work session.
Booking a group study room in the Library is a sure-fire way to make work more social but equally productive. Getting a group of friends or seminar mates together to work on individual or group work is a student favourite form of social study. As they are usually only bookable for one hour, a tactic which one student recommended is working in instalments of social and independent work. Former Sussex student Daisy Petrow advised, “Having a balance of work with friends and alone worked best for me. I’d book a group study room with friends for an hour, and we’d all motivate each other to work but could chat on our in-between breaks. After the hour was up, we’d all move to the individual study sections, then re-group again afterwards.”.
Aside from the Library, there are many other locations which make for a scenic study space. For any cramming students, or essay-writing all-nighters, the York House computer room is open twenty-four hours a day. However, it is generally quite full, so try and nab a spot early. If you can’t get a seat, an alternative for computer users is the Language Learning centre’s computer lab. Or, the Shawcross building – conveniently in the middle of campus – offers quiet study, or areas designated for chatty study.
The main thing is to find a spot that fits your working style, which might not be any of these. This term, make sure to meander around campus and discover your own favourite spot.