University of Sussex Students' Newspaper

Pisces Season: Horoscopes for February & March

Alice Stevens

ByAlice Stevens

Mar 14, 2022

Words by Ali Arief

The Sun entered Pisces on the 18th of February, marking the start of Pisces Season. Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, and its arrival marks the transition from Winter to Spring. Pisces is known as the dreamy, mystical, sensitive, and hyper-emotional fish sign of the zodiacal wheel. Throughout this period, we can expect to have the depths of our subconscious explored and brought to the surface. You may be feeling out of sorts as this watery season takes place, as Pisces is ruled by the planet Neptune your dreams may get more intense and your imagination may also be heightened. Although Pisces season is fantastic for exploring your imagination and for creativity, there is a darker side to this surreal season of the year. Be careful of delusions and getting so caught up in your emotions and sensitivities that you cannot perceive reality. Pisceans are also known for victimising themselves in situations of conflict, so make sure you take full responsibility for your actions and do not shirk your duties. This season is all about the artistic, the surreal and the fantastical. Play around with new ideas and get lost in the romance. Pisces season is starting with a bang. 

Aries The depths of your subconscious may be on display for all the world to see, and that’s ok. You have a lot of emotional processing to do and getting the rest you need to look after your emotional nature is paramount. Be easy on yourself if you’re finding you’re a lot more sensitive than usual, and pay close attention to your dreams and your intuition. 

Taurus The urge to be surrounded by your best friends will overcome you during Pisces season, and you’ll be feeling overcome with nostalgia for the way things were when you were younger. Make sure you let your friends know how much they are missed, and they will return the same feelings. This could lead to a reunion of old friendships, so take the opportunity if it’s presented to you. 

Gemini Pisces season will be expanding your horizons when it comes to your career and your reputation. You’ve grown weary of the roles you’re occupying and desire a change. The New Moon on the 2nd of March will open up a new job opportunity for you but be careful that it doesn’t seem too good to be true, as deceit is afoot with all of the new contacts that you’ve built up through your networking. 

Cancer Exploration is the keyword for you during Pisces season. The call to adventure will be infectious and studying something or enrolling on a course of study will open so many new possibilities for you that didn’t even seem possible before. Make sure you’re paying attention to the fine details before you enrol in this new passion project, or if you travel somewhere new, as you could be wearing rose coloured glasses. However, it is imperative that you explore and have fun doing so during this season. 

Leo During this season you have a prime opportunity to gain some more money and invest in a creative project that you’ve wanted for a very long time, however, when this money arrives make sure you save it instead of quickly spending it. You may also investigate deep into your personal psychology and figure out how your thought processes work. 

Virgo If you’ve just entered a new relationship the spotlight will be on you to further deepen the connection that you share with this person. Romance is on the brain, and you may want the dreamy kind of love that is straight out of a film. As you enter this dreamlike romance, make sure that you don’t lose yourself too much in the other person and keep yourself grounded. However, you can be sure that this partnership will sweep you away. 

Libra Your health needs to be carefully assessed, and now is the time to go to your doctor for a routine check-up. Perhaps you’ve been feeling under the weather or have fallen ill unexpectedly. At any rate, pay close attention to health matters and make sure you’re looking after your body properly. You may also find that the urge to work harder has fallen upon you, 

Scorpio The urge to escape your day-to-day grind and let loose is becoming strong. Escapism through having fun can be an excellent way of unwinding, but mind you aren’t too excessive and end up ignoring your responsibilities. Your inner child is also wanting attention, so spend some time indulging in your creative side throughout Pisces season. Painting, drawing, or writing could be excellent outlets for you right now, let your imagination run wild. 

Sagittarius Cosiness and relaxation is on the agenda throughout Pisces Season. Getting some good quality sleep and rest is all you seem to want to do, and you should. Spending time nurturing your surroundings is also calling you, perhaps you’ve been wanting to redecorate, or spend time learning how to cook a new recipe. Indulge into your comforts throughout this season and nurture your soul. 

Capricorn Use your voice this Pisces Season to communicate any emotions that are coming your way. Writing, singing or public speaking will be your greatest asset as you can enhance your speech to truly make an impact on those around you. The words you communicate will be extremely emotive, so use them wisely. 

Aquarius Your values are being called into question this season, and the resources that you have available to you are growing. You have some new ideas about how to make some money, perhaps there’s a business you want to start, or a hobby that could potentially turn lucrative. You may also be saving some money up for a future purchase, so it is advisable to be thrifty with your spending.

Pisces The spotlight is well and truly on you as your season begins. You may feel a need to reinvent yourself or take a breath of fresh air and step into birthday season. Make sure your confidence is shining, and that you have the chance to put your feet firmly on the ground. It’s time to celebrate yourself and shine.

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