University of Sussex Students' Newspaper

University Mental Health Day 2021

Georgia Keetch

ByGeorgia Keetch

Mar 4, 2021

In a year where students have been prevented from connecting in person with student communities and, for the majority, the university itself, as the organising body’s website explains: “now more than ever it’s important to get the nation talking about student mental health.”

Societies across Sussex are getting involved in the campaign, sharing content on social media, using the hashtag #UniMentalHealthDay.

This is one of six ways it is suggested you can get involved with the day, as well as sharing the resources pooled here and lobbying a senior leader at the university.

Student Space is one mentioned organisation that aims to help people find the right support for them, throughout the pandemic.

With wellbeing advice and resources, alongside lockdown study tips and phone, text, email and webchat support lines, this is one of the websites people are encouraged to share and signpost on UMHD21.

Text STUDENT to 85258, to start a conversation with Student Space, who are available 24 hours a day, to talk about coping in the pandemic.

At Sussex, students in need of support are encouraged to get in contact with with the Student Life Centre at .

Separate to this, the Students’ Union has wellbeing and support services signposted on its website.

Paris Palmano, Wellbeing Officer, said: “University can be a challenging environment for students’ mental health and this year has amplified the forces that undermine our emotional resilience.

“In the context of government cuts to mental health services, and demand surpassing supply on campus, student peer-support is more important than ever.

“Joining The Buddy Scheme is a great way to meet new people and make friends. We are also in the process of setting up a student-run Nightline service and a Men’s Connection group. If you are interested in getting involved in either of these get in touch!”

The officer team also told The Badger that they have recently received training to deliver “improving your emotional resilience” workshops which they hope will begin at the end of the month.

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