University of Sussex Students' Newspaper

Samantha Power to speak to Sussex

Georgia Keetch

ByGeorgia Keetch

Jul 7, 2020

Samantha Power is an academic and award-winning author who served in office from 2013-2017 and will be speaking with Pol Soc on July 8, following the publishing of her memoir last year.

Asked about what made the society pursue this interview, the president, Mahdi Murtaza, said:

“We invite many people, from a whole host of professional backgrounds, to give talks at the Politics Society. Whether they’re an MP, diplomat, journalist, or even a Head of State, we endeavour to bring those with unique and powerful reflections on a wide range of issues and subjects. 

“Samantha Power’s beginnings as an activist against genocide will resonate with many at Sussex, and we felt that students could learn from her insights, acquired from a fascinating career as both a political outsider and subsequent insider at the highest level.”

Expanding on the speaker’s credentials, he said:

“In Ambassador Power you find someone who played a starring role in shaping the global diplomatic scene from within the UN; a close friend, advisor and Cabinet Member of President Barack Obama; and one of the world’s finest minds on foreign policy.”

Asked about the topics that will be discussed, he said:

“There’s no end to the number of things we could ask Ambassador Power. I won’t say too much, but we’ll touch on her first meeting with then-Senator Obama, the subtle but complex art of diplomacy, and her leadership in pushing the United Nations to recognise LGBT rights as human rights (and maybe if we’re lucky, a prediction for the US 2020 Presidential Election!).”

With events already plotted throughout the year, the Politics Society is encouraging anyone, even those without interest in politics, to tune in, as the committee is said to be endeavouring to package current and relevant topics in the most engaging way they can.

Despite reportedly having an exciting line-up of guests throughout the year, the event with Ambassador Power, for her relatively unique wealth of knowledge, is thought by the society to really not be one to miss.

The event is set to start at 5 pm on July 8, as a live broadcast on the Politics Society’s Facebook page.

With a previous event with Lord Michael Heseltine now available on the page, the group will hope for similar success, this time without any technical difficulties.

Photo Credit: United States Mission Geneva

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