University of Sussex Students' Newspaper

Mental Health resources

Georgia Keetch

ByGeorgia Keetch

Apr 10, 2019

This list has been compiled by The Mental Health Project, a student run society dedicated to getting others talking about mental health.

Residential Advisors: contact via email for advice and signposting

Student Support Unit (Bramber House): The SSU is a team of specialist advisors who work with students who may need support due to a long-term condition. You can get an individual advisor and may be applicable for reasonable adjustments.

Student Life Centre (Bramber House): The first place to come when you have questions, queries, worries or concerns. The information desk is open Monday-Friday and they also offer email and telephone advice,  in-person appointments, and welfare drop-in sessions for urgent concerns.

Security (York House): security are available 24/7, 365 days a year, by phoning 3333 on any campus phone. Alternatively you can call 01273 873333 from mobiles. Security have training in welfare and first aid. If you, or anyone you know, is in a dangerous situation on campus, ring security immediately. If you have any urgent concerns about the welfare of another student, contact security immediately.

Residential and Welfare team (York House): The welfare team is in charge of the RAs, and they have a year-long 24/7 crisis team. They provide instant welfare support across campus. Contact them via security.

Counselling service (Behind the campus GP): Free counselling on campus which you can book online. They run workshops throughout the year, subject to availability.

Silver Cloud: If you would prefer online help, or need help while on the counselling waiting list, the university is in partnership with Silver Cloud. The online resource provides four programmes: space from anxiety, space from depression, space from stress, space from eating issues.

Chaplaincy and Meeting House (next to Falmer House): a safe space on campus to unwind, open to all students regardless of religion. They also host weekly mindfulness sessions.

International Support Unit (Bramber House): provides extra, specialist support for international students.

Tea and Talk (Meeting House): peer support group every Wednesday 1-3pm. Led by trained volunteers able to signpost you to support.

Support and Advocacy team (room 134, Falmer House): Provides confidential and independent advice on a range of university issues, disciplinary issues, academic, and non-academic complaints, and academic misconduct.

Buddy Scheme: pairs existing students with new students, to form friendships, meet new people, offer advice, and go on trips.

Active US: Provides a variety of sports and activities to help improve overall health and wellbeing, with many sessions free or low prices.

The Mental Health Project: Student run society dedicated to getting others talking about mental health, running events and socials, and helping students break the stigma around mental health.

GP: The GP service can offer medical assistance as well as referrals.

A&E: You can visit in times of crisis when urgent medical care  is required – when there, ask to speak to the mental health support team.

Mental Health Rapid Response Service: Offers 24/7 support to people who feel they pose a risk to themselves or others. Call 0300 304 0078.

The Sussex Mental Health Line: Offers support and information to anyone facing mental health difficulties from 5pm-9am Monday to Friday, and 24hrs weekends and bank holidays.

Samaritans: 116 123 24 – call if you need someone to talk to, or you feel you can no longer cope.

NHS 111: Call if you need urgent medical advice about a situation which is not life-threatening.

SANE: Mental health help-line: 4.30-10.30pm daily.

Are you struggling to cope?: Look for this tab on the Sussex University app for further information and services.

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